Near Real-Time Japanese Reanalysis for Three Quarters of a Century (JRA-3Q)
JMA is currently conducting the Japanese Reanalysis for Three Quarters of a Century (JRA-3Q), which covers the period from September 1947 onward to extend the current period of...- dataset GRIB
The WRF Model coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) Forecast Output over CONUS
The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model coupled with Chemistry version 3.9.1 is used to generate a 48-hour air quality forecast daily at 12 km grid spacing over the...- dataset NetCDF
NCEP GDAS Satellite Data 2004-continuing
This dataset contains a subset of the level 1b or higher satellite data products used in the NCEP Global Data Assimilation System. These files can be used with the Weather...- dataset Binary ASCII
Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM) Model Output
The Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM) is a comprehensive numerical model, spanning the range of altitude from the Earth's surface to about 500 km to 700 km...- dataset NetCDF
Near real-time monthly diurnal Japanese Reanalysis for Three Quarters of a Ce...
JMA is currently conducting the Japanese Reanalysis for Three Quarters of a Century (JRA-3Q), which covers the period from September 1947 onward to extend the current period of...- dataset GRIB
Near real-time monthly mean Japanese Reanalysis for Three Quarters of a Centu...
JMA is currently conducting the Japanese Reanalysis for Three Quarters of a Century (JRA-3Q), which covers the period from September 1947 onward to extend the current period of...- dataset GRIB
Japanese Reanalysis for Three Quarters of a Century (JRA-3Q)
JMA is currently conducting the Japanese Reanalysis for Three Quarters of a Century (JRA-3Q), which covers the period from September 1947 onward to extend the current period of...- dataset NetCDF
ERA5 Reanalysis (0.25 Degree Latitude-Longitude Grid)
After many years of research and technical preparation, the production of a new ECMWF climate reanalysis to replace ERA-Interim is in progress. ERA5 is the fifth generation of...- dataset NetCDF GRIB
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Ng Research Group_20220708_alpha-Pinene_Nitrate ra...
Goals: To derive an SOA mass yield curve for a-pinene+NO3 system and to serve as a base case for the pure a-pinene system when comparing single- vs. multi-precursor systems....- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Ng Research Group_20220706_alpha-Pinene_Nitrate ra...
Goals: To derive an SOA mass yield curve for a-pinene+NO3 system. Summary: 2 uL of liquid a-pinene was injected, followed by the injection of 100 ppb of N2O5 (source of nitrate...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Ng Research Group_20220726_Limonene_Nitrate radica...
Goals: To evaluate the effect of limonene and N2O5 injection order on SOA mass yield. The injection order in this experiment is the same as in SEQ-1 and SEQ-2 but opposite of...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Ng Research Group_20220718_alpha-Pinene/Limonene_N...
Goals: To evaluate whether or not the formation and properties of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formed via sequential oxidation of a-pinene followed by limonene can be...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Ng Research Group_20220720_Limonene_Nitrate radica...
Goals: To derive an SOA mass yield curve for limonene+NO3 system. Summary: 0.4 uL of liquid limonene was injected, followed by the injection of 40 ppb of N2O5 (source of nitrate...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Ng Research Group_20220724_alpha-Pinene/Limonene_N...
Goals: To evaluate whether or not the formation and properties of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formed via simultaneous oxidation of a-pinene and limonene can be described as...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Ng Research Group_20220714_alpha-Pinene/Limonene_N...
Goals: To evaluate whether or not the formation and properties of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formed via simultaneous oxidation of a-pinene and limonene can be described as...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Ng Research Group_20220702_Limonene_Nitrate radica...
Goals: To derive an SOA mass yield curve for limonene+NO3 system. Summary: 1.2 uL of liquid limonene was injected, followed by the injection of 120ppb of N2O5 (source of nitrate...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Ng Research Group_20220716_alpha-Pinene/Limonene_N...
Goals: To evaluate whether or not the formation and properties of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formed via sequential oxidation of a-pinene followed by limonene can be...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Ng Research Group_20220710_Limonene_Nitrate radica...
Goals: To derive an SOA mass yield curve for limonene+NO3 system and to serve as a base case for the pure limonene system when comparing single- vs. multi-precursor systems....- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Ng Research Group_20220704_alpha-Pinene_Nitrate ra...
Goals: To derive an SOA mass yield curve for a-pinene+NO3 system. Summary: 6 uL of liquid a-pinene was injected, followed by the injection of 300 ppb of N2O5 (source of nitrate...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Ng Research Group_20220728_Limonene_Nitrate radica...
Goals: To evaluate the effect of limonene and N2O5 injection order on SOA mass yield. The injection order in this experiment is the same as in SEQ-1 and SEQ-2 but opposite of...- dataset Archive