GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) Mesoscale Sector Data
This data set contains the one minute resolution data from the GOES-16 satellite Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) mesoscale over the continental United States during the period of...- dataset Archive
GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) CONUS Sector Data
This data set contains the 5 minute resolution data from the GOES-16 satellite Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) over the continental United States during the period of SAVANT...- dataset Archive
This dataset contains the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) imagery collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Polar Orbiting...- dataset Image
The NOAA POES MSU Data is one of several satellite data sets collected by the National Center For Atmospheric Research/Earth Observing Laboratory (NCAR/EOL) as part of the...- dataset OTHER
GOES-8 4-km WV CONUS Sector Satellite Imagery
GOES-8 4km resolution Water Vapor (6.7 micron) imagery collected for SGP99 in McIDAS AREA file format. These data are available for browsing purposes.- dataset Image
GOES-11 Leg45 NSTU-NZCH-NTAA 4km Ch3 Water Vapor Satellite Imagery
This dataset contains leg45 NSTU-NZCH-NTAA 4km Channel 3 water vapor imagery from the GOES-11 satellite taken during the HIPPO-2 project. The imagery are in JPG format. The...- dataset Image
GOES-11 Leg2 PANC-PHKO 5km Ch1 Visible Satellite Imagery
This dataset contains leg2 PANC-PHKO 5km Channel 1 Visible imagery from the GOES-11 satellite taken during the HIPPO-3 project. The imagery are in JPG format. The imagery cover...- dataset Image
HLY-09-02 TeraScan Raw DMSP Satellite Data [Ashjian/LDEO]
This dataset includes raw data from the SeaSpace TeraScan System. The data are from the F13, F14, F15, F16 and F17 Defense Meteorological Satellites Program (DMSP) satellites....- dataset Archive
GOES-11 Leg8 MROC-KBJC 4km Ch1 Visible Satellite Imagery
This dataset contains leg8 MROC-KBJC 4km Channel 1 Visible imagery from the GOES-11 satellite taken during the HIPPO-2 project. The imagery are in JPG format. The imagery cover...- dataset Image
Synchronous Meteorological Satellite
This dataset includes microfilm and 16 mm film of satellite footage for Inter Phases as well as Phases I, II, and III. Phase is noted in the "Description" section on...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
GOES South Pacific Winds WV Satellite Imagery
This dataset contains South Pacific winds WV imagery from the GOES satellite taken during the HIPPO-3 project. The imagery are in GIF format. The imagery cover the time span...- dataset Image
GOES-8 Infrared (6.7 micron) satellite imagery collected for the 1995 MICROFRONTS experiment via McIDAS-X and then converted to GIF image format. These images are at 8 km...- dataset Image
Flight Track Overlays
This dataset contains Flight Track Overlays from the High Ice Water Content (HIWC) Radar Study project that took place in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The satellite imagery is from...- dataset Image
GOES-12 Satellite Visible Images
This dataset contains channel 1 visible images from the GOES - 12 satellite taken at 1 , 4 and 8 km every 30 minutes from October 27th, 2004 through February 1st, 2005.- dataset Image
SeaWiFS Imagery
These are images from the SeaStar satellite covering the area of the RICO field project, taken November 23rd, 2004 through December 24th, 2004.- dataset Image
GOES-11 Leg4 PHKO-NSTU 5km Ch3 Water Vapor Satellite Imagery
This dataset contains leg4 PHKO-NSTU 5km Channel 3 water vapor imagery from the GOES-11 satellite taken during the HIPPO-4 project. The imagery are in JPG format. The imagery...- dataset Image
HLY-02-01 Satellite, DMSP OLS 1 KM Visible Imagery [NCAR/EOL]
This dataset contains imagery of the visible channel from the F12, F13 and F14 DMSP satellites observed during the SBI U.S Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy 2002 spring cruise...- dataset Image
Meteosat-7 Water Vapor (Channel 10) Calibrated Data in NetCDF Format
This data set contains 5 km resolution Meteosat-7 Water Vapor (channel 10) satellite data over the DYNAMO region. Data are available at 30 minute intervals and are in the NetCDF...- dataset NetCDF
GOES-11 Leg7 SCIP-MROC 4km Ch3 Water Vapor Satellite Imagery
This dataset contains leg7 SCIP-MROC 4km Channel 3 water vapor imagery from the GOES-11 satellite taken during the HIPPO-2 project. The imagery are in JPG format. The imagery...- dataset Image
GOES-15 Imager 4 km All Channel Data (netCDF)
This data set contains the 4-km resolution all channel GOES-15 satellite data over the eastern Pacific Ocean region during the CSET (Cloud System Evolution in the Trades)...- dataset Archive