RELAMPAGO Mobile Ground Asset KML Data
This data set contains the real time geolocation information for the mobile ground assets that provided their location information via Delorme GPS devices for the RELAMPAGO...- dataset Archive
TORUS-LItE Deployment Summary Movies
Movies that summarize key TORUS-LItE deployments. The movies were generated from IDV (integrated Data Viewer) and include the positions of all assets operating on the particular...- dataset Movie
TORUS-LItE Deployment Summary IDV Bundles
This data set contains IDV (Integrated Data Viewer) bundles of key TORUS-LItE deployments. Each bundle includes the positions of all assets operating on a particular day updated...- dataset Archive
NCAR/RAF VMEbus Interface for the Particle Measuring Systems Optical Array Gr...
This Technical Note describes the design and operation of the NCAR/RAF VMEbus interface board for the Optical Array Grey Probe manufactured by Particle Measuring Systems, Inc....- publication PDF
Satellite Data in Meteorological Research
A workshop was held in Boulder, CO from 25 to 31 August 1965 with the purpose of acquainting members of the university community with the latest techniques for using satellite...- publication PDF
Boundary Layer Profile Measurement System
The NCAR Field Observing Facility developed a new tethered-balloon wing system that accurately measures the vertical profile of temperature, wind speed, wind direction, and...- publication PDF
ELDORA Data User's Guide for TOGA COARE
The purpose of this technical note is to provide a concise User's Guide for the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) ELectra DOppler RAdar (ELDORA) data collected...- publication PDF
Boundary Layer Profile Measurement System Engineering Report
The NCAR Field Observing Facility developed a new tethered-balloon wing system, known as the Meteorological Atmospheric Testing (MAT) Wing, which takes meteorological...- publication PDF
GHOST Balloon Data Volume II: Balloon 28x
Early Global Horizontal Sounding Technique (GHOST) balloon tests have resulted in valuable upper air wind data, particularly in the data-poor mid-latitudes over southern...- publication PDF
GHOST Balloon Data Volume VII: Balloon 58G
Early Global Horizontal Sounding Technique (GHOST) balloon tests have resulted in valuable upper air wind data, particularly in the data-poor mid-latitudes over southern...- publication PDF
A Thermopile Temperature Sensitivity Calibration Procedure for Eppley Broadba...
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
Airborne Condensation Nucleus Counter User's Guide
This report describes the basic operating principles of the TSI Inc. Model 3760 condensation nucleus counter, the modifications necessary for high altitude, reduced pressure...- publication PDF
Omega Wind-error Estimation
This is a report on Omega wind error estimation. To make this a single source document on Omega windfinding and its errors, the authors have included derivation of basic...- publication PDF
Thermal Analysis of Balloon-Borne Instrument Packages
Peter Fowler, of the University of Bristol, designed a modification to balloon flight equipment in an attempt to maintain temperature at an acceptable level. This report...- publication PDF
GHOST Balloon Data Volume VI: Balloon 50D
Early Global Horizontal Sounding Technique (GHOST) balloon tests have resulted in valuable upper air wind data, particularly in the data-poor mid-latitudes over southern...- publication PDF
Ground-based Velocity-measurement Performance of the NCAR Airborne Infrared L...
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
Central Pacific VLF Signal Survey and Omega Wind Error Predictions
The report on the Central Pacific VLF Signal Survey and Omega Wind Error Predictions is a preliminary document based on the theoretical predictions of Omega signal strengths and...- publication PDF
Complete 100- and 200-mb GHOST Balloon Data: 1966-1970
This study contains information not previously published, including virtually all useful 100- and 200-mb data obtained from 1966 through 1970. At the cutoff date of the previous...- publication PDF
GHOST Balloon Data Volume XI: Balloon 86C
Early Global Horizontal Sounding Technique (GHOST) balloon tests have resulted in valuable upper air wind data, particularly in the data-poor mid-latitudes over southern...- publication PDF
Meeting Review: Airborne Aerosol Inlet Workshop 27-28 February and 1 March 1991
The report, published as a result of the Airborne Aerosol Inlet Workshop, acts as a document that will alert the scientific community to the possible problems in interpreting...- publication PDF