Council Climate Data - Forest Site (Excel) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes climate data from the forest area in the Council region gathered during the 2000 summer field season in Excel format.- dataset Excel
SST and Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential Analysis Imagery
This dataset contains daily Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential Analysis Imagery from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)...- dataset Image
Combo Three-D Hotwire Hot-Film Probe Data
This dataset contains the combo probe data from the East Slope Tower ES2 and Combo Probe Sage Brush sites collected during the Mountain Terrain Atmospheric Modeling and...- dataset Archive
This data set contains NCAR/ISFF surface imagery from the CuPIDO Field Catalog.- dataset Image
Coastal Ocean Monitoring and Predicition System (COMPS) Data
This data set contains hourly resolution surface meteorological and oceanographic data from the Coastal Ocean Monitoring and Prediction System (COMPS). COMPS is operated by the...- dataset ASCII
PAM/ASTER 5-Minute Surface Flux Data
Surface flux data collected by NCAR/EOL (formerly ATD) during the Cooperative Atmospheric Surface Exchange Study 1997 (CASES-97) project from 22 April to 22 May 1997. These data...- dataset NetCDF
Arizona Department of Water Resources ALERT Stream Flow Data
This data set contains streamflow data from the ALERT stream gages overseen by the Arizona Department of Water Resources. There are a total of 6 stations included in the data...- dataset ASCII
Arizona Mohave County ALERT Precipitation Data
This data set contains hourly precipitation data from the Mesonet Arizona Mohave county ALERT (Automated Local Evaluation in Real Time) precipitation network. There are a total...- dataset ASCII
Army Range Dugway Proving Grounds (DPG) Surface Meteorological Data
The Four-Dimensional (4DWX) System is the product of seven years of R&D, sponsored by the US Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC) and by the Defense Threat Reduction...- dataset ASCII
Ice Camp Surface Mesonet NCAR PAM-III, Baltimore site (PRELIMINARY)(GIF) [And...
This dataset contains data from the NCAR portable automated mesonet (PAM-III) station (Baltimore site). This is one of six stations deployed in the vicinity (within 5 km) of the...- dataset Image
Barrow Urban Heat Island Air Temperatures (Excel) [Hinkel, K., and F. E. Nelson]
This dataset contains air temperature data taken from 54 stations near Barrow, Alaska to monitor the urban heat island (UHI) effect. Data is contained within two Excel files,...- dataset Excel
OPC Surface Analysis Imagery
This dataset consists of gif images from the National Weather Service Ocean Prediction Center (OPC) Surface Analysis plots taken during the Ice in Clouds Experiment - Tropical...- dataset Image
Council Meteorological Data - Station C1 [Hinzman, L.]
This dataset contains Meteorological Data taken from the Council site station C1 during the ATLAS field project.- dataset ASCII
Ice Camp Surface Mesonet NCAR PAM-III, Maui site (PRELIMINARY)(ASCII) [Andrea...
NCAR portable automated mesonet (PAM-III) station (Maui site). One of six stations deployed in the vicinity (within 5 km) of the SHEBA Ice Camp. Other stations are Atlanta,...- dataset ASCII
Tower Thermocouple Data [Sun]
This dataset contains 5 and 20 Hz data obtained from thermocouples mounted on an instrumented tower. During CASES-99 there were 34 levels of thermocouples, 32 on the NCAR ATD...- dataset Archive
Tower, PRELIMINARY 10m SPO surface met data. (ASCII) [Moritz, R.]
This dataset contains preliminary 10-minute data from the SHEBA Project Office 10m tower at the SHEBA ice camp. The PRELIMINARY data that were released cover the period from 09...- dataset ASCII
OKMESO Soil Moisture Data (various OCS versions)
This dataset contains the Oklahoma Mesonet 30-Minute Soil Moisture Data. The Oklahoma Climatological Survey (OCS) supplied the raw data, which contained calibrated and...- dataset PDF ASCII
Ice Camp Surface Mesonet NCAR PAM-III, Baltimore site (PRELIMINARY)(ASCII) [A...
This data set contains NCAR portable automated mesonet (PAM-III) station (Baltimore site). This is one of six stations deployed in the vicinity (within 5 km) of the SHEBA Ice...- dataset ASCII
Mexico Agriculture Automated Weather Station Data
This dataset contains meteorological data from the Mexican Agriculture Automated Weather Stations in Sonora. More information can be found at http://www.agroson.org.mx. The web...- dataset ASCII
GTS Station Plot Imagery - Arizona [NCAR/EOL]
This data set contains GTS station plot imagery of Arizona from the CuPIDO Field Catalog.- dataset Image