Ivotuk Aboveground Biomass Measurements (ASCII) [Copass, C.]
This dataset contains aboveground biomass data collected in the four Ivotuk sites at approximately peak season biomass, summer 1998. The biomass was harvested in 20X50 cm plots,...- dataset ASCII
Latnjajaure Site, CLIP 4-Control 3 Community Data [Alatalo]
This dataset contains CLIP 4-Control 3 Community data from the Latnjajaure site, Sweden in 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999 & 2000. The Community Level Interaction Program (CLIP) data...- dataset ASCII
US Toolik Site 3: Point Framing Old Format Data [Ahlquist]
This dataset includes Point Framing Data from 1995 in the old format. This is the format file.- dataset ASCII
Svalbard Site Community Data [Robinson, Wookey]
This is data from a polar semi-desert at the Svalbard Site in 1991, 1993, and 1995. For more information, please see the readme file.- dataset ASCII
GLOBE soil and vegetation observations at ISFS sites
Soil pH, color, vegetation cover, and site properties collected by Butternut Middle School students, Joee Engel and Jakob Mareno, as part of the Global Learning and Observations...- dataset ASCII
Ivotuk Biomass, NDVI, LAI Data (Excel) [Epstein, H., S. Riedel, D. Walker]
This dataset contains Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Phytomass data collected at the Ivotuk field site during the growing season of...- dataset Excel
Ivotuk Aboveground Biomass Codes (Excel) [Copass, C.]
This dataset contains species names and their corresponding codes for the Ivotuk biomass dataset which contains aboveground biomass data collected in the four Ivotuk sites at...- dataset Excel
Latnjajaure Site, CLIP 1-Control 1 Community Data [Alatalo]
This dataset contains CLIP 1-Control 1 Community data from the Latnjajaure site, Sweden in 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999 & 2000. The Community Level Interaction Program (CLIP) data...- dataset ASCII
Biomass by Functional Type - Franklin Bluffs MNT Site (ASCII) [Walker, D.]
This dataset contains biomass data sorted by plant functional type for the Franklin Bluffs MNT site. The data was collected in 2000. The readme contains both the readme for this...- dataset ASCII
Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Mapping (CAVM) [Walker, D., H. Maier]
This dataset includes current versions of datasets used in the Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map (CAVM) project. Data files were created using Arc/Info version 8.0.1 on the Unix...- dataset Archive
Latnjajaure Site, CLIP 4-Control 2 Community Data [Alatalo]
This dataset containsCLIP 4-Control 2 Community data from the Latnjajaure site, Sweden in 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999 & 2000. The Community Level Interaction Program (CLIP) data...- dataset ASCII
Council Biomass Data (Excel) [Copass, C.]
This dataset contains peak season understory biomass and leaf area index (LAI) from the ATLAS sites in Council. Sites C2, C6, and C4 were harvested in 1999 and C1, C3, and C5 in...- dataset Excel
Oumalik Site Factors Summary [Walker, D.]
This dataset contains a table of the basic site factors for the Oumalik site on the Arctic Slope, Alaska for the Arctic Transitions in the Land-Atmosphere System (ATLAS)...- dataset Excel
Ivotuk Site Factors for MNT, MAT, Shrub and Moss Grids [Walker, D.]
This dataset contains site factor descriptions for the Ivotuk 1 (MAT), Ivotuk 2 (Shrub), Ivotuk 3 (MNT), and Ivotuk 4 (Moss) grids on the Arctic Slope, Alaska. The data were...- dataset Excel
Latnjajaure Site, CLIP 2-Control 4 Community Data [Alatalo]
This dataset contains CLIP 2-Control 4 Community data from the Latnjajaure site, Sweden in 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999 & 2000. The Community Level Interaction Program (CLIP) data...- dataset ASCII
Latnjajaure Site, CLIP 3-TF 2 Community Data [Alatalo]
This dataset contains CLIP 3-TF 2 Community data from the Latnjajaure site, Sweden in 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999 & 2000. The Community Level Interaction Program (CLIP) data...- dataset ASCII
Latnjajaure Site, CLIP 1-Control 4 Community Data [Alatalo]
This dataset contains CLIP 1-Control 4 Community data from the Latnjajaure site, Sweden in 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999 & 2000. The Community Level Interaction Program (CLIP) data...- dataset ASCII
Latnjajaure Site, CLIP 2-TF 2 Community Data [Alatalo]
This dataset contains CLIP 2-TF 2 Community data from the Latnjajaure site, Sweden in 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999 & 2000. The Community Level Interaction Program (CLIP) data...- dataset ASCII
Vegetation Studies: Seward Peninsula, Alaska [Walker, D.]
This dataset summarizes information that was collected as part of the Arctic Transitions in the Land-Atmosphere System (ATLAS) project called "Arctic Climate Change,...- dataset PDF
Simulations with ArcVeg: DCA Default Data [Calef]
This dataset contains N,X,S of the DCA data using the Default option. All data comes from the simulations with ArcVeg. For more information, see the readme file.- dataset ASCII