Data for "Interhemispheric asymmetry of the thermospheric neutral density res...
This dataset is for the paper titled "Interhemispheric asymmetry of the thermospheric neutral density response to the 7-9 September 2017 geomagnetic storms." The data set...- dataset ASCII Archive NetCDF
Data for "Low- and mid-latitude ionospheric response to the 2013 St Patrickâ...
The dataset stores the GITM simulation results for the study "Low- and mid-latitude ionospheric response to the 2013 St Patrick's Day geomagnetic storm in the American Sector:...- dataset ASCII Archive NetCDF
Supporting data for Shi et al. "Geospace Concussion: Global reversal of ionos...
This dataset contains the simulation data supporting the paper titled "Geospace Concussion: Global reversal of ionospheric vertical plasma drift in response to a sudden...- dataset Matlab NetCDF Image
Investigation of a neutral âtongueâ observed by GOLD during the geomagnet...
This dataset include all the data needed for the figures in the main text of JGR paper Investigation of a neutral âtongueâ observed by GOLD during the geomagnetic storm on...- dataset HDF
TIEGCM simulations associated with the February 2016 geomagnetic storm
These are simulation results from the thermosphere-ionosphere-electrodynamics GCM (TIEGCM) described in the manuscript "Importance of the lower atmospheric forcing and...- dataset ASCII Archive NetCDF
Data for paper titled "Penetrating electric field during the Nov 4 2021 Geoma...
The data is part of publication for a paper titled "Penetrating electric field during the Nov 4 2021 Geomagnetic Storm" to be submitted to the JGR Space Physics. The data...- dataset HDF