3 resources found

Resource Types: dataset Keywords: cryosphere models Resource Formats: Binary

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  • Model Monthly Net Freezing Rate

    This dataset contains computed monthly net freezing rate (nfr) over the entire Arctic Ocean, Barents Sea, and Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian Seas for the years 1997 and 1998. The...
  • SnowModel Pan-Arctic Data 1979-2009

    This data set contains pan-Arctic snow property estimates of distributed air temperature, snow precipitation, snow-season timing and length, maximum snow water equivalent depth...
    • dataset           ASCII   Archive   Binary
  • Model Coupled Ice-Ocean LES Output (netCDF and ASCII) [Skyllingstad, E.]

    This dataset contains three dimensional data (rst files), diagnostic data (dag files), run log information (log files), virtual station data (sta files), and cross sections (slb...
    • dataset           ASCII   Binary   NetCDF