Aerosol Extinction, Scattering and Absorption (PAS CAPS) Data
This data set contains NSF/NCAR C-130 Aerosol Extinction, Scattering and Absorption (PAS CAPS) Data collected during the WE-CAN (Western Wildfire Experiment for Cloud Chemistry,...- dataset ASCII
NSF/NCAR C-130 Aerosol in-situ scattering and absorption
The ACE-ASIA Aircraft: C-130 Aerosol in-situ scattering and absorption, coarse/fine, RH-dependence (T.Anderson/Masonis) data are available online. This aerosol optical data were...- dataset Archive
SSEC SPARC HSRL Aerosol Backscatter, Optical Depth, and other Optical Properties
This dataset contains the SSEC Portable Atmospheric Research Center (SPARC) High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) Aerosol Backscatter, Optical Depth, and other Optical...- dataset NetCDF
NASA DC-8 CRDS Aerosol Extinction Measured using Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy
This data set contains NASA DC-8 CRDS Aerosol Extinction Measured using Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy data collected during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry Experiment...- dataset ASCII
University of Cocody RegCM 2005-2006 Five Day Averages Without Aerosol Forcing
Five day average files from the University of Cocody RegCM model at 50 km resolution and without aerosol forcing. The netcdf files contain output from May 1 to October 31 for...- dataset NetCDF
This data set contains NASA DC-8 SAGAAERO Data Merge data collected during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry Experiment (DC3) from 18 May 2012 through 22 June 2012. These...- dataset ASCII
SPEC NSF/NCAR GV Instrument Data
Cloud microphysics data collected on board the NSF/NCAR GV during the Secondary Production of Ice in Cumulus Experiment (SPICULE) campaign from 29 May through 25 June 2021. This...- dataset Archive
University of Cocody RegCM With Aerosol Forcing
There are several types of gzipped binary data files, with corresponding *.ctl files. All files except OUT_HEAD are monthly, from May-15 through September of each year. ATM...- dataset Binary
ComCAL Raman Lidar Data
Observations of aerosol backscatter, extinction, and optical depth from the ComCAL (Compact Cloud and Aerosol Lidar) Raman Lidar that was located at the Palau Atmospheric...- dataset NetCDF
NSF/NCAR GV Hawkeye-CPI Cloud Particle Images
Cloud particle images collected with the Hawkeye CPI on board the NSF/NCAR GV during the Secondary Production of Ice in Cumulus Experiment (SPICULE) campaign from 29 May through...- dataset Archive
ARM Raman Lidar Aerosol Extinction Data
This data set contains 10 minutes resolution aerosol extinction from the Department of Energy (DOE) Armospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Southern Great Plains (SGP) Raman...- dataset NetCDF
TUMM/Tokyo Aerosol Lidar Observation Data
This dataset contains ground-based lidar observations of aerosols by Aerosol lidar for April 2001 in Tokyo at the Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine (TUMM), located in the...- dataset ASCII
R/V Ron Brown Aerosol LIDAR Extinction Profiles
This dataset consists of extinction profile data including height of uppermost aerosol layer, top of marine boundary layer, aerosol optical depths, extinction profiles, latitude...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
SPEC Learjet Hawkeye-CPI Cloud Particle Images
Cloud particle images collected with the Hawkeye CPI on board the SPEC Learjet during the ESCAPE (Experiment of Sea Breeze Convection, Aerosols, Precipitation, and Environment)...- dataset Archive
NASA DC-8 1 Minute Data Merge
This dataset contains NASA DC-8 1 Minute Data Merge data collected during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry Experiment (DC3) from 18 May 2012 through 22 June 2012. This...- dataset ASCII
UK BAE-146 Navigation, State Parameter, Microphysics, Aerosol, and Chemistry ...
This data set contains state parameter, microphysics and navigation data from the BAE-146 aircraft during the RICO project. The data are all 32 Hz averaged with the main data...- dataset NetCDF
NRC Convair-580 Aircraft Data, Flight Tracks and Flight Notes
This dataset includes the National Research Council of Canada's (NRC) Convair-580 research aircraft Data, flight tracks and flight notes for the Storm Studies in the Arctic...- dataset Archive
SPEC Learjet 35 Instrument Data
State and Cloud microphysics data collected on board the SPEC Learjet 35 during the Secondary Production of Ice in Cumulus Experiment (SPICULE) campaign from 29 May through 25...- dataset Archive
University of Cocody RegCM Without Aerosol Forcing
There are several types of data files, with corresponding *.ctl files. All files except OUT_HEAD are monthly, from May 15 through September for each year. ATM files are...- dataset Binary
NCAR GV-HSRL lidar data
High Spectral Resolution LIDAR (HSRL) data collected aboard the HIAPER NSF/NCAR GV aircraft during the Tropical Ocean tRoposphere Exchange of Reactive Halogen Species and...- dataset NetCDF