3 resources found

Keywords: air temperature atmosphere atmospheric temperature atmospheric water vapor earth science services surface temperature upper air temperature upper level winds Resource Formats: OTHER

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  • Eta Model (PC-GRIDS)

    Selected eta model outputs captured during STORM-FEST in PC-GRIDS format. The output includes pressure, geopotential height, temperature, specific humidity, u and v wind...
  • FNOC Forecast & Analyses

    The FNOC model ran every 12h (00, 12 UTC) with 6 h forecastsup to 48 h at a standard resolution of 2.5 deg lat/lon. Thedata consists of surface fields of pressure, temperature,...

    The Cloud and Surface Parameter Retrieval (CASPR) data set consists of SHEBA AVHRR arctic satellite retrievals corresponding to the Arctic Regional Climate Model Intercomparison...
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