6 resources found

Keywords: air temperature cloud fraction cloud properties sea level pressure surface pressure wind speed Resource Formats: Archive

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  • NOAA/ESRL MADIS Mesonet Data

    This dataset contains data from the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory/Global Systems Division (ESRL/GSD) Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System (MADIS). The data are...
  • MADIS Maritime GTS Data

    This data set contains martime meteorological and sea state observations transmitted in real time to the GTS from ships and buoys throughout the world. The temporal resolution...
  • SNACS Atmospheric Model: source code and configuration files

    This dataset archives the SNACS Polar MM5 atmospheric model code and settings for the 50km simulations. If you uncompress and then untar the file, you'll have a directory...
  • FSL MADIS Hourly Data

    This dataset is a collection of data from many networks. The data are fed to the National Center for Atmospheric Research / Earth Observing Laboratory (NCAR/EOL) over the LDM by...
  • Selected Surface, Upper-Air and Aircraft Data for ERICA

    This data set contains the data from a CD produced by the Experiment on Rapidly Intensifying Cyclones over the Atlantic (ERICA). Be aware that the CDROM.DOC is out of data and...
  • FSL MADIS Special Data

    The FSL MADIS Special Data dataset is a collection of data from many networks. The data are fed to the National Center for Atmospheric Research / Earth Observing Laboratory...