8 resources found

Keywords: air temperature cloud liquid water/ice relative humidity skin temperature specific humidity upper air temperature water vapor indicators

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  • ARCMIP: EASE-Grid Model Data

    Model data from participating Arctic Regional Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ARCMIP) modelers was re-gridded to fit the ARCMIP EASE-Grid, a 50km equal area grid on a...
    • dataset           ASCII   Archive   NetCDF
  • Model ECMWF Column Output (netCDF) [Bretherton, C.]

    This dataset contains column model output from the ECMWF for a chosen model gridpoint nearest the location of the SHEBA Ice Camp. This dataset contains all model output...
  • Model ECMWF Column Output (ASCII) [Bretherton, C.]

    This dataset contains column model output from the ECMWF for a chosen model gridpoint nearest the location of the SHEBA Ice Camp. This dataset contains four files per day of...
  • GDAS Analysis (initial data)

    This dataset contains the initial and boundary conditions in GRIB format files to be used as input to the models. SALLJEX was funded by NOAA/OGP, NSF(ATM0106776) and funding...
  • NCEP GFS Small Domain Forecast Products

    This dataset contains Imagery Products generated by the NCEP GFS Small Domain Forecast Model for the area and time of interest for the VOCALS project. The image files are in GIF...
  • Selected Surface, Upper-Air and Aircraft Data for ERICA

    This data set contains the data from a CD produced by the Experiment on Rapidly Intensifying Cyclones over the Atlantic (ERICA). Be aware that the CDROM.DOC is out of data and...

    The Cloud and Surface Parameter Retrieval (CASPR) data set consists of SHEBA AVHRR arctic satellite retrievals corresponding to the Arctic Regional Climate Model Intercomparison...
    • dataset           OTHER   Archive
  • ECMWF 0.25 Degree Forecast Model Grids (GRIB) [Barve,NPS]

    This dataset contains ECMWF 0.25 degree (lon x lat = 561 x 261 points) resolution forecast model grids in GRIB format from NPS. Forecasts are initialized at 00 and 12 UTC every...