3 resources found

Keywords: atmosphere atmospheric water vapor balloons relative humidity ships upper air temperature water vapor indicators wind direction wind direction profiles

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  • Mexican UNAM R/V El Puma Tethersonde Balloon Data

    This is one of the upper air data sets developed for the North American Monsoon Experiment (NAME). This data set includes the high vertical resolution (approximately 10 second)...
  • R/V Vickers and Christmas Island Frostpoint/Ozone Soundings

    This dataset contains the 10-sec high resolution Frostpoint and Ozone sounding data taken aboard the R/V Vickers and Christmas Island by NOAA/CMDL during CEPEX. This dataset...
  • Tethered Balloon Data

    This dataset includes microfilm of tethered balloon data from US ships (Researcher, Oceanographer, Dallas) for Phases II and III of the Global Atmospheric Research Program's...
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