8 resources found

Keywords: atmosphere dropwindsondes nsf/ncar gv hiaper u/v wind components wind velocity/speed profiles

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  • NSF/NCAR GV HIAPER QC Dropsonde Data

    Dropsonde sounding profiles collected between June 6 and July 20, 2014 during the Deep Propagating Gravity Wave Experiment (DEEPWAVE) campaign. Data are in EOL file format and...
  • NCAR GV NCAR/EOL Dropsonde Profile Data

    T-REX marks the first project where AVAPS Dropsondes were deployed from NCAR's newest aircraft. Data are checked for quality control and provided in EOL ASCII file format.
    • dataset           UNDEFINED FORMAT
  • NSF/NCAR GV Dropsonde Data [NCAR/EOL]

    During PREDICT the NSF/NCAR Gulfstream-V aircraft released EOL/AVAPS dropsondes over the Atlantic basin during the months of August and September 2010. This data set has...
  • NSF/NCAR G-V Dropsonde High Resolution Data

    Dropsonde sounding data collected using the NCAR Airborne Vertical Atmospheric Profiling System (AVAPS) on board the NSF/NCAR G-V aircraft. These data were collected from 15 May...
  • NSF/NCAR G-V QC Dropsonde Data (EOL)

    This data set contains dropsonde data collected by the NCAR Airborne Vertical Atmospheric Profiling System (AVAPS) on board the NSF/NCAR HIAPER G-V aircraft. A total of 17...
  • Dropsonde Mandatory and Significant Level Data - GTS Format

    This data set contains NSF/NCAR G-V Dropsonde Mandatory and Significant Level Data in the GTS TEMP DROP Format. These data are based off the QC'd data collected from 15 May...
  • NSF/NCAR GV (HIAPER) QC Dropsonde Data

    Dropsonde sounding profiles collected between June 1 and Aug 12, 2015 during the CSET (Cloud System Evolution in the Trades) campaign. These data are provided in the EOL format...
  • NSF/NCAR G-V QC Dropsonde Data (EOL)

    During the GISMOS project 20 dropsonde soundings were collected between February 14 and February 22, 2008. All 20 quality-controlled soundings are contained in the final...