Interpretable Deep Learning for Spatial Analysis of Severe Hailstorms: Storm ...
This repository contains the simulation and analysis data for the paper "Interpretable Deep Learning for Spatial Analysis of Severe Hailstorms." This dataset contains simulated...- dataset HDF
Large-eddy simulation of idealized hurricanes at different sea surface temper...
Idealized hurricanes are studied using WRF model at four different sea surface temperatures of 26, 27, 28 and 29 degree C in six nested domains down to 62 m grid size. The WRF...- dataset HDF
Planetary-boundary and urban-canopy layer modeling study of the landfall of H...
This data repository contains the model simulation and observational data used in the manuscript: Hendricks, E. A., J. C. Knievel, and D. S. Nolan, 2021: Evaluation of...- dataset HDF ASCII
Ionosphere-thermosphere data published in 'The 2D evolution of thermospheric ...
This dataset was used to generate plots for a paper in the Geophysical Research Letter, an AGU journal. It includes the percentage difference of column density ratio of O/N2...- dataset HDF
Atmospheric Initial and Boundary Conditions
This dataset contains atmospheric initial and boundary conditions for Arctic Regional Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ARCMIP) in HDF format. The data include seven...- dataset HDF ASCII