AEW hindcast using the Model for Prediction Across Scales-Atmosphere (MPAS-A)...
The dataset includes post-processed model outputs from global simulations using the MPAS-A version 7.1. The model was initialized using both ECMWF Integrated Forecast System...- dataset HDF ASCII
POGA and SPCZ experiments using CAM5
Two atmosphere-only experiments using CAM5, PAC-A and extSPCZ-A (each with 10 ensemble members), are conducted to compare with the fully coupled CESM1 tropical Pacific...- dataset HDF
Aquaplanet simulations using the Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS) ve...
This dataset includes model output from aquaplanet simulations using the Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS), version 6.2. Aquaplanet simulations are numerical simulations...- dataset HDF