29 resources found

Keywords: atmospheric radiation atmospheric temperature u/v wind components vertical wind velocity/speed Resource Formats: Archive

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  • NCAR ACOM Manitou MANITOU2008 Campaign Data

    This dataset contains the MANITOU2008 campaign data collected by NSF NCAR Atmospheric Chemistry Observations & Modeling (ACOM) for the Manitou Experimental Forest...
  • NOAA/NCEP GFS Model T126 Resolution

    This data set includes Output from the NCEP GFS model in GRIB format. There are two sets of tar files for each month period. One set contains 3 hourly regional output over the...
    • dataset           UNDEFINED FORMAT   GRIB   Archive
  • ISFS Surface Meteorology and Flux Products

    Surface meteorology and flux products, as well as webcam images collected by the EOL/Integrated Surface Flux System (ISFS) team during the Sublimation of Snow (SOS) experiment...
  • ARCMIP: EASE-Grid Model Data

    Model data from participating Arctic Regional Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ARCMIP) modelers was re-gridded to fit the ARCMIP EASE-Grid, a 50km equal area grid on a...
    • dataset           ASCII   Archive   NetCDF
  • UCLA AGCM SSIB Experiment 2

    This data set contains a series of output from UCLA AGCM coupled with the land surface processes model SSIB-1 for the period between 1 May to 31 October for the years 2000, and...
  • NCEP GFS Single Column Model Forcing Data

    This dataset contains forcing data for NCEP GFS Single Column Model (GFS-SCM) at 25 points in the VOCALS region from October 1, 2008 to November 30, 2008. The forcing data were...
  • ISFS Surface Meteorology and Flux Products

    ISFS towered surface meteorology and flux data collected during the Multi-point Monin-Obukhov similarity horizontal array turbulence study (M2HATS). 5-minute averages and high...
  • ECMWF DDH (Diagnostique des Domaines Horizontaux) 72 Hour Forecast Data

    The ECMWF DDH (Diagnostique des Domaines Horizontaux) 72 Hour Forecast Data is one of several model data sets collected by the National Center For Atmospheric Research/Earth...
  • NOAA P-3 Flight Level Data

    This data set contains the flight level navigation and state parameter data in various forms from the NOAA P-3 aircraft that participated in the TORUS_2019 (Targeted Observation...
  • Cayenne WRF Model Data

    This dataset contains WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) model data from the High Altitude Ice Crystals - High Ice Water Content (HAIC-HIWC) project that took place in...
  • UCLA NCEP AGCM SSIB Experiment 1

    This data set contains a series of output from UCLA spectral triangular T62 version of the NCEP AGCM coupled with the land surface processes model SSIB-1. The output are at...
    • dataset           ASCII   Archive
  • Wyoming King Air Raw Flight Level Data

    This dataset contains the raw King-Air data from all flights that occurred during the Cooperative Atmosphere Surface Exchange Study 1997 (CASES-97). The data are contained in a...
  • Model ECMWF Column Output (ASCII) [Bretherton, C.]

    This dataset contains column model output from the ECMWF for a chosen model gridpoint nearest the location of the SHEBA Ice Camp. This dataset contains four files per day of...
  • ISFS Surface Meteorology and Flux Products - georeferenced

    Surface meteorology and flux products collected by the EOL/Integrated Surface Flux System team during the Sundowner Wind Experiment (SWEX) in Santa Barbara, CA. Data have been...
    • dataset           Archive   NetCDF
  • NOAA P-3 Flight Level Data

    The flight level navigation and state parameter data in various forms from the NOAA P-3 aircraft that participated in the TORUS_2022 (Targeted Observation by Radars and UAS of...
  • DOE ARM SGP Eddy Correlation (ECOR) Flux Data

    This data set contains 30 minute resolution latent heat flux and sensible heat flux data from the Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Atmospheric...
  • MATERHORN-X Tower Data

    This dataset contains flux tower and extensive energy balance data collected at all tower sites for the Mountain Terrain Atmospheric Modeling and Observations (MATERHORN-X)...
  • NCEP GFS 0.25 Degree Model Data

    This data set contains the 0.25 degree resolution output from the NCEP GFS (National Centers for Environmental Prediction Global Forecast System) model during the SOCRATES field...

    This data set contains model output data derived from the NCEP Global Forecast System (GFS) for CEOP MOLTS.
  • ARA King Air Flight Line Data

    This data set includes meteorology, CAPS, PMS, CN, LWC, radiation, SST and S02 data collected onboard the King Air aircraft participating in the ACE-Asia experiment.