9 resources found

Keywords: atmospheric temperature boundary layer winds dropwindsondes upper air temperature water vapor profiles wind direction wmi learjet

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  • Composite Highest Resolution Upper Air Data

    This data is a composite upper-air sounding data set which contains all upper-air sounding data collected from 25 platforms (excluding the reference sonde) during IHOP_2002. The...
  • BAMEX WMI Learjet QC Dropsonde Data

    NCAR/ATD (aka EOL) Dropsondes soundings launched from the Weather Modification Inc. (WMI) Lear Jet 35 aircraft. This is one of the upper-air data sets developed for the Bow Echo...
  • FASTEX High Resolution Sounding Composite

    This data set consists of a composite of all FASTEX sounding data at their "native" resolution, i.e. the highest possible resolution. It includes sounding data from 45...
  • Composite Highest Resolution Upper Air Data

    This data is a composite upper-air sounding data set which contains all upper-air sounding data collected from 39 platforms used during BAMEX. The data in the composite is at...
  • FASTEX soundings from the Lear 36 dropsondes

    This dataset consists of dropsondes from the Lear 36. Dropsondes were taken as requested. These data were processed through an interpolation that included the removal of bad...
  • Composite 5-mb Level Upper Air Data

    This data set is a composite of data from all IHOP_2002 sounding platforms excluding the reference sonde interpolated to a constant vertical resolution of 5 hPa. Consult the...
  • FASTEX 5-millibar Resolution Sounding Composite

    This data set consists of a composite of all FASTEX sounding data interpolated to 5-millibar vertical levels collected from the 45 platforms in the experiment domain. This data...
  • Lear QC Dropsonde Data

    Dropsonde profiles from the Lear aircraft collected during the International H2O Project 2002 (IHOP 2002). The dropsonde data was provided by NCAR/ATD (aka EOL). The Lear made...
  • Composite 5-mb Level Upper Air Data

    This data set is a composite of data from all Bow Echo and Mesoscale Convective Vortex Experiment (BAMEX)sounding platforms interpolated to a constant vertical resolution of 5...