21 resources found

Keywords: atmospheric winds clouds longwave radiation models precipitation amount u/v wind components upper air temperature

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  • Mesoscale Model 5 (MM5) Output

    This dataset contains output from the National Center for Atmospheric Research/Penn State University Mesoscale Model 5 (NCAR/PSU MM5). The data are for the NAME Model Assessment...
  • ARCMIP: EASE-Grid Model Data

    Model data from participating Arctic Regional Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ARCMIP) modelers was re-gridded to fit the ARCMIP EASE-Grid, a 50km equal area grid on a...
    • dataset           ASCII   Archive   NetCDF
  • UCLA AGCM SSIB Experiment 2

    This data set contains a series of output from UCLA AGCM coupled with the land surface processes model SSIB-1 for the period between 1 May to 31 October for the years 2000, and...
  • NCEP GFS Single Column Model Forcing Data

    This dataset contains forcing data for NCEP GFS Single Column Model (GFS-SCM) at 25 points in the VOCALS region from October 1, 2008 to November 30, 2008. The forcing data were...
  • Model ECMWF Column Output (netCDF) [Bretherton, C.]

    This dataset contains column model output from the ECMWF for a chosen model gridpoint nearest the location of the SHEBA Ice Camp. This dataset contains all model output...
  • UCLA NCEP AGCM SSIB Experiment 1

    This data set contains a series of output from UCLA spectral triangular T62 version of the NCEP AGCM coupled with the land surface processes model SSIB-1. The output are at...
    • dataset           ASCII   Archive
  • Model ECMWF Column Output (ASCII) [Bretherton, C.]

    This dataset contains column model output from the ECMWF for a chosen model gridpoint nearest the location of the SHEBA Ice Camp. This dataset contains four files per day of...
  • Universite Abdou Moumouni RegCM Monthly Average Output

    This model is the Abdus Salam ICTP climate model RegCM. The files contain Monthly averages. Each file contains data from May 1, through October 31 for the given year. Data are...
  • NCEP GFS 0.25 Degree Model Data

    This data set contains the 0.25 degree resolution output from the NCEP GFS (National Centers for Environmental Prediction Global Forecast System) model during the SOCRATES field...

    This data set contains model output data derived from the NCEP Global Forecast System (GFS) for CEOP MOLTS.
  • Cornell University MM5 Model Output

    This data set includes output from the Cornell University MM5 model. These model output files are by year. There is a ctl file for each model output data file. The data files...
    • dataset           ASCII   Binary
  • ECMWF Deterministic Model Forecast Data (D1D)

    This data set includes the forecast portion of the European Center for Medium range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) deterministic forecast model. The analysis files are in the...
  • NASA Seasonal-Interannual Prediction Project (NSIPP) Model Output

    This is Model data from the NASA Seasonal-Interannual Prediction Project (NSIPP) for the NAME Model Assessment Project (NAMAP). NCAR/EOL has performed no Quality Control on this...
  • NCEP ETA RCM Output

    This dataset contains output from the NCEP Eta Regional Climate model (RCM). The data include the runs required by the NAME Model Assessment Project (NAMAP) plus three...
  • NCEP 29km eta model Surface Flux

    This dataset is the NCEP 29km eta model Surface Flux analyses and 3-hourly forecasts (out to 33 hours) collected during the VORTEX-95 project. The data are in GRIB format on a...

    The Cloud and Surface Parameter Retrieval (CASPR) data set consists of SHEBA AVHRR arctic satellite retrievals corresponding to the Arctic Regional Climate Model Intercomparison...
    • dataset           OTHER   Archive
  • University of Cocody RegCM Without Aerosol Forcing

    There are several types of data files, with corresponding *.ctl files. All files except OUT_HEAD are monthly, from May 15 through September for each year. ATM files are...
  • University of Cocody RegCM With Aerosol Forcing

    There are several types of gzipped binary data files, with corresponding *.ctl files. All files except OUT_HEAD are monthly, from May-15 through September of each year. ATM...
  • Universite Abdou MouMouni RegCM Daily Average Output

    This model is the Abdus Salam ICTP climate model RegCM. The files contain Daily averages. Each NetCDF file contains data from May 1 through October 31 for the given year. Data...
  • ECMWF 0.25 Degree Forecast Model Grids (GRIB) [Barve,NPS]

    This dataset contains ECMWF 0.25 degree (lon x lat = 561 x 261 points) resolution forecast model grids in GRIB format from NPS. Forecasts are initialized at 00 and 12 UTC every...