Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Climate Informatics: CI 2019
Climate informatics is an emerging research area that combines the fields of climate science and data science (specifically machine learning, data mining and statistics) to...- publication PDF
CLM5 Perturbed Parameter Ensembles
These data are the results of parameter sensitivity simulations and multiple perturbed parameter ensembles (PPE) with the Community Land Model, version 5 (CLM5). These...- dataset NetCDF
US Toolik Site 2, Cover Community Data [Bret-Harte]
This dataset contains cover community data from the US TOOL2 site, Alaska in 1995. For more information, please see the readme file.- dataset ASCII
Niwot Site Excel Data
These data are coded for warming treatments, snow augmentation, and location from the Niwot Ridge (Colorado) site of ITEX. Included are data from 1993 (warming treatments...- dataset Excel
Toolik Lake Aboveground Growth Data [Welker]
This dataset contains Toolik Lake Aboveground Growth Measurements taken at mean intervals of 7.7 days in plots treated with elevated winter snow, warming, and fertilization.- dataset ASCII
TEM Model Panarctic Simulations
This dataset contains the model output data of Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (TEM) simulations from 1920 to 2100 for both moist tundra and polar desert/alpine tundra for the...- dataset ASCII
Niwot Site Community Data [Suding]
These data are coded for warming treatments, snow augmentation, and location from the Niwot Ridge (Colorado) site of ITEX. Included are data from 1993 (warming treatments...- dataset ASCII
TEM Model Output for North American Boreal Forests [McGuire, A. D. et al.]
This dataset includes model output of Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (TEM) for the gridcell containing the black spruce northern study area (-98.5, 55.5) compared to available...- dataset Excel PDF ASCII
Modeling the Effect of Snowpack on Respiration - TEM Model [McGuire, A. D.]
This data set contains the model output data of Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (TEM) simulations for the terrestrial biosphere of the globe. Please see the Readme for a description...- dataset ASCII
IBP Plot Photos For Niwot Ridge [Webber]
This database contains 64 photographs of International Biological Program (IBP) plots on Niwot Ridge, Colorado. For more information, please see the readme file.- dataset Image
Toolik Lake Belowground Growth Data [Welker]
This dataset contains Toolik Lake Belowground Growth Measurements taken at mean intervals of 7.7 days in plots treated with elevated winter snow, warming, and fertilization.- dataset ASCII
US Toolik Site 2, Quantitative Community Data [Bret-Harte]
This dataset contains quantitative community data from the US TOOL2 site, Alaska in 1995. For more information, please see the readme file.- dataset ASCII
US Toolik Site 2, Quantitative Community Excel Data [Bret-Harte]
This dataset contains quantitative community data from the US TOOL2 site, Alaska in 1995. This dataset in in excel format. For more information, please see the readme file.- dataset Excel
Svalbard Site Community Data [Robinson, Wookey]
This is data from a polar semi-desert at the Svalbard Site in 1991, 1993, and 1995. For more information, please see the readme file.- dataset ASCII
GEM and TEM Model Simulations for Toolik Lake
This dataset contains the model output data of GEM and TEM simulations from 1920 to 2100 for Toolik Lake, Alaska. This dataset is available offline as a CD.- dataset ASCII
Barrow Atqasuk Plant [Webber]
This dataset contains data representing the periodic plant measures of all species within each plot in a text tab delimited format. The data presented are phenology (date of...- dataset ASCII
US Toolik Site 2, Cover Community Excel Data [Bret-Harte]
This dataset contains cover community data from the US TOOL2 site, Alaska in 1995. This dataset is in excel format. For more information, please see the readme file.- dataset Excel
A Half-Century of Change in Arctic Alaskan Shrubs: A Photographic-Based Asses...
In this study, the locations of 193 old aerial photographs of northern Alaskan landscapes were rephotographed and assessed for changes in vegetation. The original photographs...- dataset Archive
Modeled Carbon Responses of Tundra Ecosystems to Historical and Projected Cli...
This data set contains the model output data of Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (TEM) simulations from 1920-2100 for both moist tundra and polar desert/alpine tundra for the...- dataset Archive