15 resources found

Keywords: cloud properties environmental advisories land based precipitation amount

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  • Global GTS Surface METAR Data in ASCII format

    The Surface METAR Data set is one of several surface data sets collected by the National Center for Atmospheric Research/Earth Observing Laboratory (NCAR/EOL). Included in the...
  • NOAA/ESRL MADIS Mesonet Data

    This dataset contains data from the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory/Global Systems Division (ESRL/GSD) Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System (MADIS). The data are...
  • Global GTS Surface Synoptic Observations

    This data set contains up to 3-hourly resolution global surface synoptic observations. The data are in the ASCII SYNOP format. The data are in hourly files during the DYNAMO...
  • GTS Surface Synoptic Observations

    This dataset contains the GTS Surface Synoptic Observations data. This data is contained in daily files which are in GEMPAK format. No additional quality control was performed...
  • LDM Surface METAR Hourly Data

    The Surface METAR Data set is one of several surface data sets collected by the National Center for Atmospheric Research/ Earth Observing Laboratory (NCAR/EOL). Included in the...
  • GTS PACS Region Land Meteorological Data

    This data set contains all land-based surface meteorological observations available from GTS over the region from 30 N to 60 S latitude and 30 to 150 W longitude as collected by...
  • Kalamazoo ICICLE Ground Suite

    This dataset contains ground-based measurements collected from the Kalamazoo ICICLE Ground Suite during the ICICLE (In-Cloud ICing and Large-drop Experiment) field campaign from...
  • GTS Surface Hourly Observations

    This dataset contains the global hourly surface observations for each day. These data are contained in daily files which are in GEMPAK format. No additional quality control was...
  • FSL MADIS Hourly Data

    This dataset is a collection of data from many networks. The data are fed to the National Center for Atmospheric Research / Earth Observing Laboratory (NCAR/EOL) over the LDM by...
  • LDM Surface METAR Special Data

    The Surface METAR Data set is one of several surface data sets collected by the National Center for Atmospheric Research/ Earth Observing Laboratory (NCAR/EOL). Included in the...
  • Global GTS Surface Hourly Observations in GEMPAK Format

    The GTS Surface Hourly Observation Data set is one of several surface data sets collected by the National Center for Atmospheric Research/Earth Observing Laboratory (NCAR/EOL)....
  • FSL MADIS Special Data

    The FSL MADIS Special Data dataset is a collection of data from many networks. The data are fed to the National Center for Atmospheric Research / Earth Observing Laboratory...
  • Global GTS Surface Hourly METAR Observations

    This data set contains hourly resolution global surface synoptic observations. The data are in the ASCII METAR format. The data are in hourly files during the DYNAMO period....
  • Guam (PGUM) METAR Observations

    This data set includes the METAR surface meteorological observations from Guam (PGUM).
  • Global GTS Surface Synoptic Observations in GEMPAK Format

    The GTS Three-Hourly Synoptic Observation Data set is one of several surface data sets collected by the National Center for Atmospheric Research/Earth Observing Laboratory...