Portable In Situ Precipitation Stations (PIPS) Data
Data from the Purdue University Portable In Situ Precipitation Stations (PIPS) that were deployed at locations around the southeastern United States for three PERiLS 2023...- dataset NetCDF
GCIP/NESOB-97 Surface: Hourly Surface Meteorological Composite
The GCIP/NESOB-97 Hourly Surface Composite contains data from several networks (i.e., Automated Surface Observing System, Department Of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
UNL Combined Mesonet and Tracker (CoMeT) Mobile Mesonet Data
Surface meteorological observations from the three Combined Mesonet and Tracker (CoMeT) mobile mesonet vehicles operated by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) during the...- dataset NetCDF
Portable In Situ Precipitation Stations (PIPS) Data
Data from the Purdue University Portable In Situ Precipitation Stations (PIPS) that were deployed at locations around the southeastern United States for three PERiLS 2022...- dataset NetCDF
UNL Combined Mesonet and Tracker (CoMeT) Mobile Mesonet Data
Surface meteorological observations from the three Combined Mesonet and Tracker (CoMeT) mobile mesonet vehicles operated by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) during the...- dataset NetCDF
TOGA COARE soundings from Kwajalein
This dataset consists of sounding data from Kwajalein, Marshall Islands (WMO 91366) which was operated by a U.S. Military contractor. Soundings were taken twice daily (00 and 12...- dataset ASCII
TOGA COARE soundings from Ambon
This dataset consists of sounding data from Ambon Island in Indonesia (WMO 97724). Soundings were taken twice per day (00 and 06 UTC) during the IOP, however the 06 UTC release...- dataset ASCII
TOGA COARE soundings from Kapingamarangi
This dataset consists of Integrated Sounding System (ISS) sounding data from Kapingamarangi Island (WMO 91434) in the Caroline Islands which was operated by the National Center...- dataset ASCII
TOGA COARE soundings from Mactan
This dataset consists of sounding data from Mactan in the Philippines (WMO 98646). Soundings were taken twice per day (00 and 12 UTC) during the IOP. UCAR/JOSS conducted no...- dataset ASCII
TOGA COARE soundings from Funafuti
This dataset consists of sounding data from Funafuti, Tuvalu (WMO 91643). Soundings were taken twice daily (00 and 12 UTC) during the IOP. UCAR/JOSS conducted no quality control...- dataset ASCII
TOGA COARE soundings from Singapore
This dataset consists of sounding data from Singapore (WMO 48698) which was operated by the Singapore Meteorology Office. Soundings were taken four times per day during the IOP...- dataset ASCII
TOGA COARE soundings from Legaspi
This dataset consists of sounding data from Legaspi, Phillipine Islands (WMO 98444) which was operated by the Phillipines Meteorological Service. Soundings were taken twice...- dataset ASCII
TOGA COARE soundings from Gove
This dataset consists of sounding data from Gove in Australia (WMO 94150). Soundings were taken four time per day (00, 06, 12, and 18 UTC) during the IOP, however the 06 and 18...- dataset ASCII
TOGA COARE soundings from Guam
This dataset consists of sounding data from Guam Island in the Mariana Islands (WMO 91217) which was operated by the U.S. National Weather Service. Soundings were taken twice...- dataset ASCII
TOGA COARE soundings from Kota Kinabalu
This dataset consists of sounding data from Kota Kinabalu in Malaysia (WMO 96471). Soundings were taken four time per (00, 06, 12, and 18 UTC) during the IOP, however the 06 and...- dataset ASCII
TOGA COARE soundings from Pohnpei
This dataset consists of sounding data from Pohnpei Island in the Caroline Islands (WMO 91348) which was operated by the U.S. National Weather Service. Soundings were taken four...- dataset ASCII
TOGA COARE soundings from Thursday Island
This dataset consists of sounding data from Thursday Island in Australia (WMO 94175) which was operated by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. Soundings were taken twice per...- dataset ASCII
TOGA COARE soundings derived from NCAR Electra flight level data
This dataset consists of soundings derived from National Center for Atmospheric Research Electra flight level data. Data were taken during events of opportunity. The data were...- dataset ASCII
TOGA COARE soundings from Kavieng
This dataset consists of Integrated Sounding System (ISS) sounding data from Kavieng (WMO 94076) which was operated by the Papua New Guinea Meteorological Service. Soundings...- dataset ASCII
TOGA COARE soundings from R/V Shiyan 3
This dataset consists of Integrated Sounding System (ISS) sounding data from aboard the People's Republic of China Research Vessel (R/V) Shiyan 3 which was operated by U.S....- dataset ASCII