The White Light Solar Corona: An Atlas of 1987 K-coronameter Synoptic Charts ...
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Joint Solar Dynamics Project Data Summary 14 June - 13 August 1982 / Volume I...
The goal of the NCAR-University of Hawaii Joint Solar Dynamics Project (SOLDYN) is to define the relationship between the solar magnetic field, as detected at photospheric...- publication PDF
The White Light Solar Corona an Atlas of K-coronameter Synoptic Charts Decemb...
This report contains data obtained during the synoptic observing project of the High Altitude Observatory's Coronal Dynamics Program that began on 5 August 1980 from the...- publication PDF
Distribution of the K-corona Over the Polar Regions of the Solar Disk: 1965-1983
The goal of this technical note is to present a set of synoptic observations from the Mauna Loa series of K-coronameters in polar projection format. The initial motivation for...- publication PDF
The White Light Solar Corona an Atlas of K-coronameter Synoptic Charts Septem...
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The White Light Solar Corona an Atlas of 1984 K-coronameter Synoptic Charts D...
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The Third Joint Solar Dynamics Project Data Summary: Solar Magnetic Field, Ch...
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The White Light Solar Corona an Atlas of K-coronameter Synoptic Charts August...
The synoptic observing project of the High Altitude Observatory's Coronal Dynamics Program started on 5 August 1980. The data obtained during the first year of operation,...- publication PDF
The White Light Solar Corona: An Atlas of 1985 K-coronameter Synoptic Charts ...
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A User's Guide to Mauna Loa Solar Observatory's Coronal Data System
This report is intended to be a user's guide to those data products which are produced at the observing site at Mauna Loa, or those which have been stored at the sea-level base...- publication PDF
The White Light Solar Corona: An Atlas of 1988 K-coronameter Synoptic Charts ...
The material presented in this report is in a format designed to provide convenient access to investigators intending to make correlative studies or an intercomparison of...- publication PDF
The White Light Solar Corona: An Atlas of 1983 K-coronameter Synoptic Charts ...
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The White Light Solar Corona: An Atlas of 1986 K-coronameter Synoptic Charts ...
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The Second Joint Solar Dynamics Project Data Summary: Solar Magneticfield, Ch...
This Technical Note presents the observations made during this effort in the interval 3-17 June 1983. As far as possible, daily observations made with the Mark-Ill kcoronameter...- publication PDF
Solar Coronal White Light, Fe X, Fe XIV and Ca XV Observations During 1984: A...
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The Fe XIV Solar Corona at 5303 Angstroms: An Atlas of Synoptic Charts From t...
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