The Thermospheric General Circulation Models (TGCM's)
The High Altitude Observatory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research has developed a series of numeric simulation models of the Earth's upper atmosphere, including the...- model NetCDF
Harry Van Loon Symposium, Studies in Climate II
This symposium was held to celebrate Harry van Loon's contribution to Climate Studies. Harry van Loon has been a scientist at NCAR since 1963. Since that time he has published...- publication PDF
Ionospheric Electron Densities, Neutral Temperature, Winds and Post-processed...
This dataset is associated with the publication "Physical Processes Driving the Response of the F2-region Ionosphere to the 21 August 2017 Solar Eclipse at Millstone Hill". In...- dataset Matlab
TIEGCM results associated with "Dynamics and electrodynamics of an UFKW packe...
The data set consist of thermosphere-ionosphere-electrodynamics general circulation model (TIEGCM) simulation results used in the publication "Dynamics and electrodynamics of an...- dataset NetCDF
TIEGCM output associated with the publication "Planetary wave (PW) generation...
This data set consists of simulation results associated with the publication "Planetary wave (PW) generation in the thermosphere driven by the PW-modulated tidal spectrum" by...- dataset NetCDF
Selected Outputs of TIE-GCM v2.0 Simulation of the 2017 September 7 Event
This dataset contains model output associated with the 7 September 2017 solar storm. These netCDF files are global gridded 60-second output by the NCAR TIE-GCM v2.0 model. The...- dataset NetCDF