A Revised and Expanded Catalogue of Mass Ejections Observed by the Solar Maxi...
This is a revised and expanded catalogue of coronal mass ejections identified in data from the High Altitude Observatory's coronagraph aboard NASA's Solar Maximum Mission...- publication PDF
Parameterization of the ion convection and the auroral oval in the NCAR Therm...
The ion convection and auroral precipitation are important inputs to the global thermospheric energy and momentum balance. In the NCAR TGCM, they are described by analytical...- publication PDF
Coronal magnetometry: A feasibility study
Measurements of components of the vector magnetic field in the solar corona can potentially yield information critical to our understanding of coronal structure, dynamics and...- publication PDF
Summary Reports--Fellowship in Scientific Computing Summer 1974
This represents a collection of papers written by graduate students participating in the 1974 Summer Fellowship Program in Scientific Computing. The main emphasis of the program...- publication PDF
The White Light Solar Corona: An Atlas of 1987 K-coronameter Synoptic Charts ...
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CEDAR Database Committee Report
This report discusses the Data Base as it is today, assesses CEDAR community utilization of the Data Base and makes recommendations for its future development. Section 2 covers...- publication PDF
Joint Solar Dynamics Project Data Summary 14 June - 13 August 1982 / Volume I...
The goal of the NCAR-University of Hawaii Joint Solar Dynamics Project (SOLDYN) is to define the relationship between the solar magnetic field, as detected at photospheric...- publication PDF
A Microfilm Atlas of Magnetic Fields in the Solar Corona
This is a Microfilm atlas of magnetic fields in the solar corona. The original item included a text of 26 pages and 11,000 maps on 11 reels of microfilm. This Atlas contains...- publication PDF
Procedures for Reduction of Fe XII 10747 a Coronal Emission-line Polarization...
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Internal Gravity and Acoustic Waves - a Colloquium
Between 17 June and 26 July 1968 the Advance Study Program at NCAR and the Astro-Geophysics Department of the University of Colorado conducted a six-week colloquium on the...- publication PDF
The White Light Solar Corona an Atlas of K-coronameter Synoptic Charts Decemb...
This report contains data obtained during the synoptic observing project of the High Altitude Observatory's Coronal Dynamics Program that began on 5 August 1980 from the...- publication PDF
Distribution of the K-corona Over the Polar Regions of the Solar Disk: 1965-1983
The goal of this technical note is to present a set of synoptic observations from the Mauna Loa series of K-coronameters in polar projection format. The initial motivation for...- publication PDF
Photometry and Polarimetry of the Solar Corona of 30 June 1973
The High Altitude Observatory's coronal camera successfully photographed the 30 June 1973 eclipse (from the National Science Foundation Eclipse Expedition Camp at Loiyengalani,...- publication PDF
First CEDAR Database Report
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Table of Solar Activity Associated With Coronal Mass Ejections Observed by th...
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CCM Progress Report - June 1993
This report consists of: Brief reports required of all CCM users, both inside and outside of NCAR -- CCM Progress report on CCM2 along with details of the reports which document...- publication PDF
Computer-simulation Movie of Ionospheric Electric Fields and Currents for a M...
This technical note provides an outline of the numerical scheme and worldwide contour maps of the electric potential, ionospheric current vectors, and the equivalent ionospheric...- publication PDF
The White Light Solar Corona an Atlas of K-coronameter Synoptic Charts Septem...
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The White Light Solar Corona an Atlas of 1984 K-coronameter Synoptic Charts D...
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CCM Progress Report--July 1990
This report is a accumulation of brief reports required of all Community Climate Model (CCM) users both inside and outside of NCAR. The report serves to augment periodically...- publication PDF