TEC data
This is TEC data used for the paper: Variations in thermosphere composition and ionosphere total electron content under 'geomagnetically quiet' conditions at solar-minimum....- dataset HDF
Data for the figures in paper 'Variations in thermosphere composition and ion...
This data set include the simulated percentage difference of O to N2 column density ratio between DOY 111 and 110 (Figure 3 of paper), and the absolute difference of neutral...- dataset HDF
LIT Thermosphere Control of Ion Outflow Results
Results from two LIT coupled model runs containing the global outputs from the LFM magnetosphere, IPWM ionosphere, TIEGCM thermosphere-ionosphere simulation.- dataset HDF NetCDF
This dataset is for the data that is used to generate the figures in the submitted paper to the AGU Advances: A Numerical Study of the Hemispherically Asymmetric Evolution of...- dataset HDF
WACCM-X simulated data for Wu et al.'s paper on âThe Formation Mechanism of...
This dataset contains all the data related to WACCM-X simulated result figure in paper âThe Formation Mechanism of Merged EIA during a Storm on November 4, 2021â. The data...- dataset NetCDF
Data for "Interhemispheric asymmetry of the thermospheric neutral density res...
This dataset is for the paper titled "Interhemispheric asymmetry of the thermospheric neutral density response to the 7-9 September 2017 geomagnetic storms." The data set...- dataset ASCII Archive NetCDF
Data for "Assessment of using field-aligned currents to drive the Global Iono...
GITM Simulation results for the paper "Assessment of using field-aligned currents to drive the Global Ionosphere Thermosphere Model: A case study for the 2013 St Patrickâs Day...- dataset ASCII Archive
Data for IMF By paper
This dataset is the data that used to generate the figures of the JGR-space physic paper that is going to be submitted: The effects of IMF By on the middle thermosphere during a...- dataset HDF
WACCM-X Simulation Data during November 03-04, 2021
This dataset includes the ionosphere F2 region (Nmax), vertical plasma drifts (WI), zonal winds (U) and meridional winds (V), zonal electric fields (total, PPEF, NWD) on...- dataset NetCDF
Dataset associated with manuscript "Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling via pre...
The dataset is associated with the manuscript "Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling via prescribed field-aligned current simulated by the TIEGCM". It is based on simulations using...- dataset NetCDF
Data for "Low- and mid-latitude ionospheric response to the 2013 St Patrickâ...
The dataset stores the GITM simulation results for the study "Low- and mid-latitude ionospheric response to the 2013 St Patrick's Day geomagnetic storm in the American Sector:...- dataset ASCII Archive NetCDF
Ground magnetic perturbations associated with "Ultra-Fast Kelvin Wave (UFKW) ...
The data set is based on the thermosphere-ionosphere-electrodynamics general circulation model (TIEGCM) simulation results and a post-processing 3D ionospheric current and...- dataset NetCDF
WACCMX DART Ionosphere Data Assimilation Observing System Simulation Experiment
This dataset contains output from the data assimilation version of the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model with thermosphere-ionosphere eXtension (WACCMX DART). The dataset...- dataset NetCDF
Supporting data for Shi et al. "Geospace Concussion: Global reversal of ionos...
This dataset contains the simulation data supporting the paper titled "Geospace Concussion: Global reversal of ionospheric vertical plasma drift in response to a sudden...- dataset Matlab NetCDF Image
TIEGCM results associated with "Dynamics and electrodynamics of an UFKW packe...
The data set consist of thermosphere-ionosphere-electrodynamics general circulation model (TIEGCM) simulation results used in the publication "Dynamics and electrodynamics of an...- dataset NetCDF
Investigation of a neutral âtongueâ observed by GOLD during the geomagnet...
This dataset include all the data needed for the figures in the main text of JGR paper Investigation of a neutral âtongueâ observed by GOLD during the geomagnetic storm on...- dataset HDF
2017 August Eclipse GITM simulation
This data present GITM simulation results using different solar masks during the 2017 August Eclipse. Detailed descriptions of the masks used for the simulation can be found in...- dataset ASCII Archive
TIEGCM simulations associated with the February 2016 geomagnetic storm
These are simulation results from the thermosphere-ionosphere-electrodynamics GCM (TIEGCM) described in the manuscript "Importance of the lower atmospheric forcing and...- dataset ASCII Archive NetCDF
Ground magnetic perturbation due to external ionospheric current for a solar ...
The ground magnetic perturbations are calculated using the 3D ionospheric current system based on a stand-alone electrodynamo module using the neutral winds, ionospheric...- dataset NetCDF
WACCM-X simulated data for Wu et al. (2023) "Investigation of the physical me...
This dataset contains all the data related to WACCM-X simulated result figures in article âInvestigation of the physical mechanisms of the formation and evolution of...- dataset NetCDF