This data set contains GTS METAR meteorological observations transmitted in real time to the GTS from over 5000 locations throughout the world. The temporal resolution is...- dataset Archive
New York State Mesonet Surface Meteorological Data
Surface meteorological data at five minute temporal resolution from the weather stations that comprise the New York State Mesonet. Data are available in either NetCDF or CSV...- dataset ASCII NetCDF
New York State Mesonet Surface Meteorological Data
Surface meteorological data at five minute temporal resolution from the weather stations that comprise the New York State Mesonet. Data are available in NetCDF format for the...- dataset NetCDF
CAMP: Tongyu (Inner Mongolia) Surface Meteorology and Radiation Data Set
This data set contains the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation Project (CEOP) Enhanced Observing Periods 3 and 4 (EOP-3 and EOP-4) CEOP Asia-Australia Monsoon Project...- dataset ASCII NetCDF
MAGS: BERMS Old Aspen Site Raw Data
This is the 30 minute data for the MAGS BERMS Old Aspen Site.- dataset ASCII
Ivotuk Shrub Lines Snow Depth and Temperature Data (Excel) [Sturm, M., G. Lis...
This dataset contains data taken by the Snow, Shrubs, and Weather Group at the Ivotuk site as part of the ATLAS project. Snow depths and temperatures of the snow-ground...- dataset Excel
NRCS Soil Climate Analysis Network (SCAN) Data
This data set contains hourly resolution surface meteorological and soils data from the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service...- dataset ASCII
CEOP_AP: Himalayas Surface Meteorology and Radiation Data Set
This data set contains the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation Project (CEOP) CEOP_AP Himalayas Hourly Surface Meteorology and Radiation Data Set. This data set...- dataset ASCII NetCDF
BALTEX: Lindenberg Hourly Surface Meteorology, Flux, and Radiation Data Set
This data set contains the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation (CEOP) Enhanced Observing Period 1 (EOP-1) Baltic Sea Experiment (BALTEX) Lindenberg Observatory Hourly...- dataset ASCII
GAPP: Oak Ridge Surface Meteorology and Radiation Data Set
This data set contains the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation Project (CEOP) Enhanced Observing Period 3 (EOP-3) Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX)...- dataset ASCII NetCDF
Ivotuk 2000: Snow Depth Data and Image [Sturm, M. et al.]
This dataset is a simulated end-of-winter snow-depth distribution from the Snow, Shrubs and Weather Group. It contains two files, an ASCII data file and a .pdf image of the data.- dataset PDF ASCII
Other: ARM NSA Surface Meteorology and Radiation Data Set
This data set contains the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation Project (CEOP) Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) North Slope Alaska (NSA) 30 Minute...- dataset ASCII NetCDF
Ice Camp (PRELIMINARY) Snow Depth (ASCII) (CRREL) [Perovich]
This data set contains PRELIMINARY snow depth data from CRREL main line Baltimore-Seattle and Baltimore line. Main line is 500 m long and observations are made every 5 meters on...- dataset ASCII
Biocomplexity of Frost-boil Ecosystems Snow Data Report, Alaska North Slope
This data report is a summary of snow-survey information collected during a trip to the Arctic Slope April 12-15, 2004. The data were all collected as part of the Biocomplexity...- dataset PDF
New York State Mesonet Surface Meteorological Data for IMPACTS_2021
Surface meteorological data at five minute temporal resolution from the weather stations that comprise the New York State Mesonet. Data are available in either NetCDF format for...- dataset NetCDF
Mexico Climatological Station Network Data (CLICOM)
The CLICOM Mexican Daily Surface Data Set is from the Servicio Meteorologico Nacional de Mexico (SMN) and is put out "as is". Observations at each of the stations were...- dataset ASCII
NWS Cooperative Observer Daily Observations Data
This data set contains daily observations of precipitation, maximum and minimum temperature, as well as other parameters from the National Weather Service Cooperative Network....- dataset PDF ASCII
Ivotuk Simulated Snow Depth Distribution [Liston, G.]
This dataset is a simulated end-of-winter snow-depth distribution from the Snow, Shrubs, and Weather Group. It contains two files, an ASCII data file and a .pdf image of the data.- dataset PDF ASCII
Meteorological and Hydrographic Data, Kuparuk River Watershed
The data files in this data set contain climate and hydrographic information from sites on the North Slope of Alaska. The variables collected were temperature, humidity, wind...- dataset ASCII Archive
CAMP: Northern South China Sea - Southern Japan Surface Meteorology and Radia...
This data set contains the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation Project (CEOP) Enhanced Observing Period 3 and 4 (EOP-3 and EOP-4) CEOP Asia-Australia Monsoon Project...- dataset ASCII NetCDF