TTU Mobile Radiosonde Data
Texas Tech University (TTU) utilized a mobile radiosonde system to release radiosondes at locations around northern Alabama during VORTEX-SE_2016 Intensive Observation Periods...- dataset PDF ASCII
Rawinsonde Data Obtained During the Line Islands Experiment
A thorough description of the Line Island Experiments (LIE) and a comprehensive list of the kinds of data collected are presented here. This report presents a detailed...- publication PDF
The Marine Boundary Layer, From Air-sea Interface to Inversion
An overview is given of the structure of the marine boundary layer including the molecular interactions at the interface, the transfer processes in the surface layer, and the...- publication PDF
Thermodynamic Profiling Technologies Workshop report to the National Science ...
The Thermodynamic Profiling Technologies Workshop was convened on 12-14 April 2011 to assess the merits of ground-based remote sensing technologies applicable to highly resolved...- publication PDF