NCEP ADP Global Upper Air Observational Weather Data, October 1999 - continuing
NCEP ADP Global Upper Air Observational Weather Data are composed of global upper air weather reports operationally collected by the National Centers for Environmental...- dataset Binary ASCII
UAH MAPNet Radiosonde Data
Vertical profiles of temperature, humidity, and wind from the University of Alabama-Huntsville (UAH) Mobile Atmospheric Profiling Network (MAPNet) Rapidly Deployable Profiling...- dataset ASCII
Multi-Network Highest Resolution Sounding Composite
High vertical resolution radiosonde data from research and operational sources during the Targeted Observation by Radars and UAS of Supercells - Left-flank Intensive Experiment...- dataset ASCII
Multi-Network 5mb Vertical Resolution Sounding Composite
Interpolated 5hPa vertical resolution radiosonde data from research and operational sources during the Targeted Observation by Radars and UAS of Supercells - Left-flank...- dataset ASCII
Lijiang, China Water Vapor, Ozone, and Particle Balloon Sounding Data
Profiles of meteorology, aerosol, water vapor, and ozone from balloon soundings conducted from Lijiang, China during the Asian Summer Monsoon Chemical and Climate Project...- dataset ASCII
Multi-Network Highest Resolution Sounding Composite
High vertical resolution sounding data from research and operational sources during the Cold Air Outbreak Experiment in the Sub-Arctic Region (CAESAR) campaign converted into a...- dataset ASCII
Multi-Network 5mb Vertical Resolution Sounding Composite
5mb vertical resolution sounding data from research and operational sources during the Cold Air Outbreak Experiment in the Sub-Arctic Region (CAESAR) campaign converted into a...- dataset ASCII
NCAR Upper Air Database, 1920-ongoing
The NCAR Upper Air Database (UADB) contains global observations beginning in the 1920s and extends to a near current date. Upper air soundings from about 50 different sources...- dataset ASCII
ERA-40 Global Land Surface Observation Feedback Record Reports
ERA-40 Global Land Surface Observation Feedback Record Reports include 3 hourly surface observation feedback record reports from SYNOP land observations used in the ECMWF...- dataset ASCII
Miscellaneous GATE Surface and Upper Air Data, 1974jun-1974sep
This collection of surface and upper air observations were made during the GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment (GATE). GATE was the first major experiment of the Global...- dataset Binary ASCII
ERA-40 Global Upper Air Satellite Wind Observation Feedback Record Reports
ERA-40 Global Upper Air Satellite Wind Observation Feedback Record Reports include upper air satellite wind observation (SATWND) feedback record reports from SATWNDs used in the...- dataset ASCII
ERA-40 Global Upper Air Radiosonde Observation Feedback Record Reports
ERA-40 Global Upper Air Radiosonde Observation Feedback Record Reports include 6 hourly upper air radiosonde observation (RAOB) feedback record reports from RAOBs used in the...- dataset ASCII
Australian Aircraft Observations, daily 1971Dec-1989
The aircraft observations here were received from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology's "real-time" archive.- dataset ASCII
Global Level IIb Upper Air and Surface Observations for FGGE
DSS obtained this data, after errors were corrected in the original data.- dataset Binary ASCII
A Selected Climatology of the Southern Hemisphere
A selected climatology of the Southern Hemisphere using the Navy Marine Atlas Series and monthly mean rawinsonde data from "CLIMATE TEMP" reports as published in NCC's "Monthly...- dataset Binary ASCII
NCEP ADP Operational Global Upper Air Observations, December 1972 - February ...
These NCEP ADP operational global synoptic upper air data reports were collected from the GTS during time slots centered on the 6-hourly analysis times of their global and...- dataset ASCII
Tropical Pacific Wind Profiler Soundings, continuing from August 1985
This dataset contains vertical wind profiles for several tropical Pacific islands and TOGA COARE ships. All data were provided by NOAA's Aeronomy Lab...- dataset ASCII
U.S.A.F. ETAC DATSAV TD57 Global Aircraft Observations, 1947-1985
Two periods (1947Jan-1959Jan and 1976Jan-1985Dec) of global aircraft observations from U.S.A.F. ETAC decode and obtained by DSS.- dataset Binary ASCII
New Zealand Aircraft Data
This dataset contains aircraft reports from New Zealand. Each report contains date, aircraft ID, location, temperature, and wind information.- dataset ASCII
GFDL Atmospheric Circulation Analyses by Bram Oort, monthly May 1958 to April...
The "classic" derived by Bram Oort from MIT, GTS, ETAC, NCDC and NCAR data. See also DS431.0 [http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds431.0/]. Unless you have a special interest in this...- dataset ASCII