3 resources found

Keywords: vorticity weather events weather research/forecast models wind dynamics Resource Formats: GRIB

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  • ETA 218 Model Output

    This dataset contains full grid ETA 218 model data collected during the Cumulus Photogrammetric, In-Situ and Doppler Observations (CuPIDO) project.
  • GDAS Analysis (initial data)

    This dataset contains the initial and boundary conditions in GRIB format files to be used as input to the models. SALLJEX was funded by NOAA/OGP, NSF(ATM0106776) and funding...
  • ECMWF 0.25 Degree Forecast Model Grids (GRIB) [Barve,NPS]

    This dataset contains ECMWF 0.25 degree (lon x lat = 561 x 261 points) resolution forecast model grids in GRIB format from NPS. Forecasts are initialized at 00 and 12 UTC every...