Enhanced snow absorption and albedo reduction by dust‐snow internal mixing: Modeling and parameterization

We extend a stochastic aerosol-snow albedo model to explicitly simulate dust internally/externally mixed with snow grains of different shapes and for the first time quantify the combined effects of dust-snow internal mixing and snow nonsphericity on snow optical properties and albedo. Dust-snow internal/external mixing significantly enhances snow single-scattering coalbedo and absorption at wavelengths of <1.0 mu m, with stronger enhancements for internal mixing (relative to external mixing) and higher dust concentrations but very weak dependence on snow size and shape variabilities. Compared with pure snow, dust-snow internal mixing reduces snow albedo substantially at wavelengths of <1.0 mu m, with stronger reductions for higher dust concentrations, larger snow sizes, and spherical (relative to nonspherical) snow shapes. Compared to internal mixing, dust-snow external mixing generally shows similar spectral patterns of albedo reductions and effects of snow size and shape. However, relative to external mixing, dust-snow internal mixing enhances the magnitude of albedo reductions by 10%-30% (10%-230%) at the visible (near-infrared) band. This relative enhancement is stronger as snow grains become larger or nonspherical, with comparable influences from snow size and shape. Moreover, for dust-snow external and internal mixing, nonspherical snow grains have up to similar to 45% weaker albedo reductions than spherical grains, depending on snow size, dust concentration, and wavelength. The interactive effect of dust-snow mixing state and snow shape highlights the importance of accounting for these two factors concurrently in snow modeling. For application to land/climate models, we develop parameterizations for dust effects on snow optical properties and albedo with high accuracy.

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Author He, Cenlin
Liou, Kuo‐Nan
Takano, Yoshi
Chen, Fei
Barlage, Michael
Publisher UCAR/NCAR - Library
Publication Date 2019-11-24T00:00:00
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Not Assigned
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Topic Category geoscientificInformation
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Metadata Date 2023-08-18T18:09:41.591178
Metadata Record Identifier edu.ucar.opensky::articles:24005
Metadata Language eng; USA
Suggested Citation He, Cenlin, Liou, Kuo‐Nan, Takano, Yoshi, Chen, Fei, Barlage, Michael. (2019). Enhanced snow absorption and albedo reduction by dust‐snow internal mixing: Modeling and parameterization. UCAR/NCAR - Library. http://n2t.net/ark:/85065/d7t156zv. Accessed 15 February 2025.

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