NOAA P-3 Flight Level Data - Slow Rate
The slow rate (1Hz) navigation and meteorological data from the NOAA P-3 flights (both N42RF and N43RF) during TOGA-COARE. The data are in Matlab and ASCII formats and quicklook...- dataset Archive
NCAR HCR uncorrected radar moments data
HIAPER Cloud Radar (HCR) Field Moments data collected during the SAANGRIA Test project from 14 February 2013 to 3 March 2013. The data are in cfRadial format and are available...- dataset NetCDF
French Falcon Isokinetic Evaporator Probe (IKP2) Data
This dataset contains a quality controlled dataset of the Isokinetic Evaporator probe (IKP2) from the Cayenne campaign of the High Altitude Ice Crystals - High Ice Water Content...- dataset ASCII
French Doppler Radar RASTA Data [SAFIRE]
This dataset contains the RASTA data from the High Altitude Ice Crystals - High Ice Water Content (HAIC-HIWC) project that took place in Darwin, Australia. The data is the 95...- dataset NetCDF Image
SPICULE Chatlogs
Flight Chatlogs from the SPICULE (Secondary Production of Ice in Cumulus Experiment) field project, collected from 03 May to 25 June 2021 onboard the NSF/NCAR GV HIAPER...- dataset ASCII
Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics LRT Data - 1 Hz [NCAR/EOL/RAF]
This dataset includes airborne measurements obtained from the NSF/NCAR Research Aviation Facility (RAF) C-130Q Hercules aircraft (Tail Number N130AR) during the IDEAS-4 C130...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR HCR uncorrected radar moments data
HIAPER Cloud Radar (HCR) data collected aboard the HIAPER NSF/NCAR GV aircraft during the 2013 Instrument Development and Education in Airborne Science GV (IDEAS-4 GV) project...- dataset NetCDF
Weather Radar Data
This dataset contains the weather radar (WXR) data collected during the High Ice Water Content (HIWC) Radar Study project that took place in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The radar...- dataset Archive
NCAR HCR radar moments data
HIAPER Cloud Radar (HCR) moments data collected during the SOCRATES (Southern Ocean Clouds, Radiation, Aerosol Transport Experimental Study) project from 15 January 2018 to 24...- dataset NetCDF
TI3GER Chatlogs
Flight Chat Logs for the TI3GER (Technological Innovation Into Iodine and GV Environmental Research) field project, collected from 01 April to 29 April 2022 onboard the NSF/NCAR...- dataset ASCII
MAIR-E Chatlogs
Flight Chat Logs for the MAIR-E (Methane Emissions Quantification at scales from 20 m to 200 km using the MethaneAIR Imaging Spectrometer on the NSF Gulfstream-V) field project,...- dataset ASCII
WY King Air Flight Notes
This data set contains the flight notes from the University of Wymoing King Air aircraft for the flights during the CuPIDO field project.- dataset PDF
NCAR HCR uncorrected radar moments data, 100 Hz
HIAPER Cloud Radar 100Hz, field version data collected during the HCR-Test experiment from 14 November 2014 to 1 December 2014. The data are in cfRadial format and are available...- dataset NetCDF
This data set contains the scrubbed chat logs from the DEEPWAVE project from May 21 - June 24, 2014. These chat logs contain conversations between scientists and other project...- dataset ASCII
Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics LRT (1-sps) Data
This dataset contains airborne measurements obtained from the NSF/NCAR Research Aviation Facility (RAF) C-130Q Hercules aircraft (Tail Number N130AR) during the VAMOS Ocean...- dataset NetCDF
Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics LRT Data - 1 Hz [NCAR/EOL/RAF]
This dataset includes airborne measurements obtained from the NSF/NCAR Research Aviation Facility (RAF) C-130Q Hercules aircraft (Tail Number N130AR) during the Ice in Clouds...- dataset NetCDF
SAS Chat Logs
This dataset contains the scrubbed chat logs from the Southeast Atmosphere Study (SAS) project, including NOMADSS (Nitrogen, Oxidants, Mercury and Aerosol Distributions, Sources...- dataset ASCII
NOAA P-3 Flight Level Data
This data set contains the flight level navigation and state parameter data in various forms from the NOAA P-3 aircraft that participated in the TORUS_2019 (Targeted Observation...- dataset Archive
University of Wyoming King Air (UWKA) High-Rate Flight Level Data for TRANS2A...
High Rate (25 Hz) flight level data from the University of Wyoming King Air aircraft during Phase 2 (August and September 2022) of the TRANS2AM campaign. The base of operations...- dataset NetCDF
University of Wyoming King Air (UWKA) Low-Rate Flight Level Data for TRANS2AM...
Low Rate (1 Hz) flight level data from the University of Wyoming King Air aircraft during Phase 2 (August and September 2022) of the TRANS2AM campaign. The base of operations...- dataset NetCDF