A real-time convection-allowing ensemble prediction system initialized by mesoscale ensemble Kalman Filter analyses
In May and June 2013, the National Center for Atmospheric Research produced real-time 48-h convection-allowing ensemble forecasts at 3-km horizontal grid spacing using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model in support of the Mesoscale Predictability Experiment field program. The ensemble forecasts were initialized twice daily at 0000 and 1200 UTC from analysis members of a continuously cycling, limited-area, mesoscale (15 km) ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) data assimilation system and evaluated with a focus on precipitation and severe weather guidance. Deterministic WRF Model forecasts initialized from GFS analyses were also examined. Subjectively, the ensemble forecasts often produced areas of intense convection over regions where severe weather was observed. Objective statistics confirmed these subjective impressions and indicated that the ensemble was skillful at predicting precipitation and severe weather events. Forecasts initialized at 1200 UTC were more skillful regarding precipitation and severe weather placement than forecasts initialized 12 h earlier at 0000 UTC, and the ensemble forecasts were typically more skillful than GFS-initialized forecasts. At times, 0000 UTC GFS-initialized forecasts had temporal distributions of domain-average rainfall closer to observations than EnKF-initialized forecasts. However, particularly when GFS analyses initialized WRF Model forecasts, 1200 UTC forecasts produced more rainfall during the first diurnal maximum than 0000 UTC forecasts. This behavior was mostly attributed to WRF Model initialization of clouds and moist physical processes. The success of these real-time ensemble forecasts demonstrates the feasibility of using limited-area continuously cycling EnKFs as a method to initialize convection-allowing ensemble forecasts, and future real-time high-resolution ensemble development leveraging EnKFs seems justified.
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