Surface Water and Atmospheric CO2 and N2O Observations, from CDIAC
Results from water analysis using shipboard automated gas chromatography. CDIAC dataset NDP044, Weiss, et. al.- dataset ASCII
Aerodyne AML-MOBILE Data
Aerodyne Mobile Laboratory Measurements of Atmospheric Composition during the WE-CAN/FIREX (Western Wildfire Experiment for Cloud Chemistry, Aerosol, Absorption and Nitrogen)...- dataset ASCII
CO2COCH4H20 - PICARRO G2401-m WS-CRDS in situ mixing ratio for Carbon dioxide...
This dataset contains low rate (1sps) carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), water vapor, and methane (CH4) in situ mixing ratio observations collected by the PICARRO...- dataset ASCII
Quantum Cascade Laser Spectrometer
This data set contains data collected from the Harvard Quantum Cascade Laser Spectrometer mounted on the NCAR GV during the START08 project. This data set contains two sets of...- dataset ASCII
NSF/NCAR GV HIAPER PICARRO G1301-f In Situ Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Mixing Ratio,...
This dataset contains low rate (1sps) carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) in situ mixing ratio observations collected by the PICARRO G1301-f aboard the Gulfstream-V...- dataset ASCII
START-08 Airborne Oxygen Instrument (AO2)
The NCAR Airborne Oxygen Instrument (AO2) was mounted on the NCAR GV during the START-08 project. The submitted AO2 data are in 1 flat ascii text file per flight. Each file...- dataset ASCII
HIPPO-5 Airborne Oxygen Instrument (AO2)
The NCAR Airborne Oxygen Instrument (AO2) was mounted on the NCAR GV during the HIPPO-5 project. The submitted AO2 data are in 1 flat ascii text file per flight. Each file...- dataset ASCII
Toolik Moist Tundra Ecosystem Flux [Welker, J., J. Fahnestock]
This dataset represents four growing seasons (1996, 1997, 1998, 2000) of net carbon dioxide exchange between the moist acidic tussock tundra, dry heath tundra, and the...- dataset ASCII
BALTEX: Sodankyla Flux Data Set
This dataset contains the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation Project (CEOP) Enhanced Observing Period 3 (EOP-3) and Enhanced Observing Period 4 (EOP-4) Baltic Sea...- dataset ASCII NetCDF
Battelle (US DOE) Gulfstream-I 10-sec Aircraft Data
This dataset contains the 10-sec averaged aircraft data from the Kuwait Oil-Fire Smoke Experiment (KOFSE) from the aircraft Battelle (US DOE) Gulfstream-I. Data were collected...- dataset ASCII
CPPA: SGP Flux Data Set
This data set contains the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation Project (CEOP) Southern Great Plains (SGP) 30 Minute Flux Data Set. This data set contains data from 23...- dataset ASCII NetCDF
NOAA/ATDD Little Washita, Oklahoma Long Term Flux Site
The NOAA/ATDD (Tilden Meyers) started operation of a long term flux monitoring site near the Little Washita watershed in Oklahoma in 1996. Half-hourly observations of wind speed...- dataset ASCII
King Air Picarro G2401-M 2021 Phase Data
Picarro G2401-m Cavity Ring Down Spectrometer gas-phase CO2, CH4, CO, and H2O dry air measurements collected aboard the University of Wyoming King Air aircraft during Phase 1...- dataset ASCII
DLR Falcon Picarro (CH4, CO2) Data
This dataset contains in-situ cavity ringdown CH4, CO2 analysator data collected on the DLR Falcon aircraft during the DEEPWAVE project. The data covers dates between 29 June...- dataset ASCII
CAMP: Northeast Thailand Flux Data Set
This data set contains the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation Project (CEOP) Enhanced Observing Periods 3 and 4 (EOP-3and 4) CEOP Asia-Australia Monsoon Project...- dataset ASCII NetCDF
Council Flux Data - Site 1 Spruce Forest (ASCII) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes flux data in ASCII format from site 1 in the Council region gathered during the 1999 summer field season. It includes data from the spruce forest site....- dataset ASCII
NOAA/NSSL NAME Supersite (Tesopaco) Flux Data
This dataset contains flux data taken from July 9th, 2004, to December 31, 2004 in the (North American Monsoon Experiment) NAME project. The data were taken from a tower in...- dataset ASCII
NSF/NCAR GV HIAPER 10 Second Data Merge
This data set contains NSF/NCAR GV HIAPER 10 Second Data Merge data collected during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry Experiment (DC3) from 18 May 2012 through 30 June...- dataset ASCII
CAMP: Chao Phraya River Flux Data Set
This data set contains the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation Project (CEOP) Enhanced Observing Period 3 (EOP-3) and Enhanced Observing Period 4 (EOP-4) CEOP...- dataset ASCII NetCDF
BALTEX: Lindenberg Hourly Surface Meteorology, Flux, and Radiation Data Set
This data set contains the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation (CEOP) Enhanced Observing Period 1 (EOP-1) Baltic Sea Experiment (BALTEX) Lindenberg Observatory Hourly...- dataset ASCII