HIPPO-5 Merged 1-second Meteorology, Atmospheric Chemistry, and Aerosol Data [Wofsy, et. al.]

This data set provides merged 1-second data products from Mission 5 of the HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations (HIPPO) of the Carbon Cycle and Greenhouse Gases Study. Mission 5 took place during August and September of 2011. These merged data products were derived by combining the NSF/NCAR G-V aircraft state parameters for position, time, temperature, pressure, and wind speed with meteorological, atmospheric chemistry and aerosol measurements made by several teams of investigators. Investigators reported most data at a 1-second interval. The data files are in space delimited format. Please note that the HIPPO-5 Low Rate (LRT - 1 sps) Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics Flight-Level Data has been reprocessed but has NOT been updated in this merged dataset. For details on changes to the dataset, and to access the updated data, please see the Low Rate dataset listed below as a companion to this dataset.

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    UCAR/NCAR - Earth Observing Laboratory

Temporal Range

  • Begin:  2011-08-15T00:00:00Z
    End:  2011-09-15T23:59:00Z


Resource Type dataset
Temporal Range Begin 2011-08-15T00:00:00Z
Temporal Range End 2011-09-15T23:59:00Z
Temporal Resolution N/A
Bounding Box North Lat 85.00000
Bounding Box South Lat -65.00000
Bounding Box West Long -170.00000
Bounding Box East Long -80.00000
Spatial Representation grid
Spatial Resolution N/A
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249.005 : is a companion to dataset 249.018

112.028 : is a companion to dataset 249.018

248.019 : is a companion to dataset 249.018

117.100 : is a companion to dataset 249.018

121.012 : is a companion to dataset 249.018

Additional Information N/A
Resource Format Tabular/Columnar ASCII
Standardized Resource Format ASCII
Asset Size 198 MB
Legal Constraints

These data are restricted by a user agreement: https://data.eol.ucar.edu//file/download/427B6147E36B/fair-use.html

Access Constraints none
Software Implementation Language N/A

Resource Support Name EOL Data Support
Resource Support Email datahelp@eol.ucar.edu
Resource Support Organization UCAR/NCAR - Earth Observing Laboratory
Distributor UCAR/NCAR - Earth Observing Laboratory
Metadata Contact Name EOL Data Support
Metadata Contact Email datahelp@eol.ucar.edu
Metadata Contact Organization UCAR/NCAR - Earth Observing Laboratory

Author Steven C. Wofsy
Bruce Daube
Rodrigo Jimenez-Pizarro
Eric Kort
Jasna V. Pittman
Sunyoung Park
Roisin Commane
Bin Xiang
Greg Santoni
Daniel J. Jacob
Jenny A. Fisher
Christopher A. Pickett-Heaps
Huiqun Wang
Kevin J. Wecht
Qiaoqiao Wang
Britton B. Stephens
Stephen R. Shertz
Andrew Watt
Pavel Romashkin
Teresa Campos
Julie Haggerty
William A. Cooper
David C. Rogers
Stuart Beaton
Roger Hendershot
James W. Elkins
David W. Fahey
Ru-Shan Gao
Fred Moore
Stephen A. Montzka
Joshua P. Schwarz
Anne E. Perring
Dale Hurst
Benjamin R. Miller
Colm Sweeney
Samuel J. Oltmans
David Nance
Eric J. Hintsa
Geoff S. Dutton
Laurel A. Watts
J. Ryan Spackman
Karen H. Rosenlof
Eric Ray
Bradley Hall
Mark Zondlo
Minghui Diao
Ralph F. Keeling
Jonathan Bent
Elliot Atlas
Richard Lueb
Michael J. Mahoney (deceased)
Publisher UCAR/NCAR - Earth Observing Laboratory
Publication Date 2015-03-03T21:33:56
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) https://doi.org/10.5065/D6BZ642H
Alternate Identifier 249.018
Resource Version 1.0
Topic Category climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere
Progress completed
Metadata Date 2024-02-07T22:41:45Z
Metadata Record Identifier edu.ucar.eol::249.018
Metadata Language eng; USA
Suggested Citation Steven C. Wofsy, Bruce Daube, Rodrigo Jimenez-Pizarro, Eric Kort, Jasna V. Pittman, Sunyoung Park, Roisin Commane, Bin Xiang, Greg Santoni, Daniel J. Jacob, Jenny A. Fisher, Christopher A. Pickett-Heaps, Huiqun Wang, Kevin J. Wecht, Qiaoqiao Wang, Britton B. Stephens, Stephen R. Shertz, Andrew Watt, Pavel Romashkin, Teresa Campos, Julie Haggerty, William A. Cooper, David C. Rogers, Stuart Beaton, Roger Hendershot, James W. Elkins, David W. Fahey, Ru-Shan Gao, Fred Moore, Stephen A. Montzka, Joshua P. Schwarz, Anne E. Perring, Dale Hurst, Benjamin R. Miller, Colm Sweeney, Samuel J. Oltmans, David Nance, Eric J. Hintsa, Geoff S. Dutton, Laurel A. Watts, J. Ryan Spackman, Karen H. Rosenlof, Eric Ray, Bradley Hall, Mark Zondlo, Minghui Diao, Ralph F. Keeling, Jonathan Bent, Elliot Atlas, Richard Lueb, Michael J. Mahoney (deceased). (2015). HIPPO-5 Merged 1-second Meteorology, Atmospheric Chemistry, and Aerosol Data [Wofsy, et. al.]. 1.0. UCAR/NCAR - Earth Observing Laboratory. https://doi.org/10.5065/D6BZ642H. Accessed 03 October 2024.

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