Subsistence Areas in Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russian Federation [Yamin-Paste...
This dataset consists of shapefile format files for mapserver that provide information on the subsistence areas of the indigenous peoples in Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russia....- dataset Archive
Reindeer Herder Annual Migration Routes in Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russian F...
This dataset consists of shapefile format files for mapserver that provide information on the reindeer brigades routes of the indigenous peoples in Nenets Autonomous Okrug,...- dataset Archive
Study Area in Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russian Federation [Yamin-Pasternak]
This dataset consists of shapefile format files for mapserver that provide information on the study area in Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russia. Data on the environment and...- dataset Archive
Permanent open surface water areas in Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russian Federa...
This dataset consists of annual maps of permanent water body detections for the period January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2009. These maps were produced to identify water surfaces...- dataset Archive
Detection of change in surface water areas and in their geographic distributi...
The major aim of this effort is to demonstrate the utility of integration of the remotely sensed imagery data, acquired by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer...- dataset Archive
Summary Files From Boulder Workshop, Evenness Data
This dataset contains evenness data from the Boulder Workshop, 2001.- dataset ASCII
US Toolik Site 1, Species Data [Walker]
This dataset is a key to species and growth form codes used by Marilyn Walker's research group in their ITEX datasets. For more information, please see the readme file.- dataset ASCII
ARM Soil Water Retention Data Set
The Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Southern Great Plains (SGP) Soil Water Retention Data Set is one of the various sub-surface data sets...- dataset ASCII
Summary Files From Boulder Workshop, Evenness Graph
This dataset contains the evenness summary graph from the Boulder Workshop, 2001.- dataset ASCII
Summary Files From Boulder Workshop, Richness Categorical Results
This dataset contains richness categorical results from the Boulder Workshop, 2001.- dataset ASCII
ARM Parameters for Soil Water Retention Models Data Set
The Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Southern Great Plains (SGP) Parameters for Soil Water Retention Models Data Set is one of the various...- dataset ASCII
US Toolik Site 1, Wrkshp Community Data [Walker]
This dataset contains reduced vegetative community data produced for the ITEX Community Synthesis Workshop. Data were collected during the 1996 field season. For more...- dataset ASCII
US Toolik Site 1, Archive Community Data [Walker]
This dataset contains vegetative community data from the US TOOL 1 site, Alaska in 2000. For more information, please see the readme file.- dataset ASCII
Summary Files From Boulder Workshop, Berlinor Data
This dataset contains Berlinor data from the Boulder Workshop, 2001.- dataset ASCII
Vegetation Studies: Seward Peninsula, Alaska [Walker, D.]
This dataset summarizes information that was collected as part of the Arctic Transitions in the Land-Atmosphere System (ATLAS) project called "Arctic Climate Change,...- dataset PDF
ARM Soil Texture Data Set
The Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Southern Great Plains (SGP) Soil Texture Data Set is one of the various sub-surface data sets developed...- dataset ASCII
SAVANT Field Site Orthophoto and High Resolution DEM
A fixed wing unmanned aerial system (UAS) was used to obtain a dense array of overlapping images of the SAVANT field site, from which a high-resolution, geographically...- dataset Shapefile ASCII KML Image
US Barrow, Canopy Height vs. Warming Data [Webber]
This dataset compares plant growth with the effects of warming (Canopy Height vs. Warming) as part of the ITEX experiment at the US Barrow site from 1995-2000.- dataset ASCII
ARM Soil Texture Data Set
The Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Southern Great Plains (SGP) Soil Texture Data Set is one of the various sub-surface data sets developed...- dataset ASCII
US Toolik Site 1, Wrkshp Community Data [Walker]
This dataset contains reduced vegetative community data produced for the ITEX Community Synthesis Workshop. Data were collected during the 2000 field season. For more...- dataset ASCII