ARM 50 MHz Wind Profilers
This data set contains hourly vertical profiles horizontal wind speed and wind direction retrieved from the Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM)...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR HCR uncorrected radar moments data
HIAPER Cloud Radar (HCR) Field Moments data collected during the SAANGRIA Test project from 14 February 2013 to 3 March 2013. The data are in cfRadial format and are available...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR HCR uncorrected radar moments data
HIAPER Cloud Radar (HCR) data collected aboard the HIAPER NSF/NCAR GV aircraft during the 2013 Instrument Development and Education in Airborne Science GV (IDEAS-4 GV) project...- dataset NetCDF
ARM 915 MHz Wind Profilers
This data set contains hourly vertical profiles horizontal wind speed and wind direction retrieved from the Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM)...- dataset NetCDF
DOE ARM SGP 915 MHz Profiler Winds
The Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) program operates a 915 MHz profiler site at the Central Facility and three intermediate facilities of its...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR HCR radar moments data
HIAPER Cloud Radar (HCR) moments data collected during the SOCRATES (Southern Ocean Clouds, Radiation, Aerosol Transport Experimental Study) project from 15 January 2018 to 24...- dataset NetCDF
UMass S-band FMCW Profiling Radar Data
Vertical profiles of radar moments and Doppler spectra from the UMass S-band FMCW profiling radar that was deployed at Belle Mina, AL for the Verification of the Origins of...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR HCR uncorrected radar moments data, 100 Hz
HIAPER Cloud Radar 100Hz, field version data collected during the HCR-Test experiment from 14 November 2014 to 1 December 2014. The data are in cfRadial format and are available...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR S-PolKa radar moments data, S-band
S-band only cfRadial format, hourly files of S-PolKa radar data taken continuously during the DYNAMO (Dynamics of the Madden-Julian Oscillation) project.- dataset NetCDF
NRC Convair 580 Airborne X-Band Radar Data and Imagery (NAX)
Profiles of Doppler velocity and reflectivity from the X-band 9.41 GHz radar that was onboard the NRC Convair 580 for the ICICLE (In-Cloud ICing and Large-drop Experiment) field...- dataset NetCDF PDF Image
WSR-88D KBGM Level2 data in cfradial format. Daily tar archives with CIDD/JAD...
This data set contains WSR-88D KBGM Level2 data collected during the Ontario Winter Lake-effect Systems (OWLeS) project from 1 December 2013 through 1 February 2014. These data...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR S-PolKa radar moments data, S- and Ka-band, CfRadial
S-PolKa data from the Refractivity Experiment for H2O Research and Collaborative operational Technology Transfer '06 (REFRACTT06) project . This data set contains both...- dataset NetCDF
Seward Johnson X-band Doppler Radar Data
This dataset contains X-band Doppler Radar Data for the Rain in Cumulus Over the Ocean (RICO) project. They were taken at random times between January 8th 2005 and January 24th...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR S-Pol radar moments data with Particle ID, CfRadial
S-Band Polarmetric (S-Pol) moments data with derived Particle ID data in cfRadial format, from the Terrain-influenced Monsoon Rainfall Experiment (TiMREX) from 15 May 2008 to 30...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR HCR radar and GV-HSRL lidar moments data
HIAPER Cloud Radar (HCR) and High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) moments data collected during the SOCRATES (Southern Ocean Clouds, Radiation, Aerosol Transport Experimental...- dataset NetCDF
SMART R-2 Radar Data, DORADE format
This dataset contains SMART R-2 Radar data collected during the Plains Elevated Convection at Night (PECAN) project from 2 June 2015 to 16 July 2015. The data are in DORADE...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR HCR radar moments data
HIAPER Cloud Radar (HCR) moments data collected during the CSET (Cloud Systems Evolution in the Trades) project from 18 June 2015 through 12 August 2012. These are 10Hz data in...- dataset NetCDF
SMART R-1 Radar Data, DORADE format
This dataset contains SMART R-1 Radar data collected during the Plains Elevated Convection at Night (PECAN) project from 2 June 2015 to 9 July 2015. The data are in DORADE...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR S-Pol radar moments data, CfRadial
S-Pol data from the Winter Icing and Storms Project (WISP-04). These data are in cfRadial format and are available as hourly tar files.- dataset NetCDF
NRC Convair 580 Airborne W-Band (NAW) Radar Data and Imagery
Profiles of Doppler velocity and reflectivity from the W-band 94.05 GHz radar that was onboard the NRC Convair 580 for the ICICLE (In-Cloud ICing and Large-drop Experiment)...- dataset NetCDF PDF Image