BEST Synthesis: Integration and modeling of spatial-temporal variation in vit...
This dataset includes all records on euphausiid measured lengths and their subsequent conversions to wet, dry, carbon and nitrogene weights. Measurements included in this...- dataset Archive OTHER
Pacific Arctic Stable Isotope Synthesis [Dunton]
This dataset is a synthesis of carbon and nitrogen stable isotope data from several studies collected into a single GIS feature class. The data cover the Pacific-influenced...- dataset Archive
Oil Industry Benthic Ecology Data [Blanchard]
Primary production reaching the sea floor is consumed by benthic organisms (animals living in or closely associated with sediments) allowing these communities to flourish in the...- dataset Archive
PacMARS Surface Sediment Parameters (1970-2012)
This dataset contains summary measurements of surface sediment collected at each station for the identified cruise, with parameters (sediment grain size: <=0 phi, 1 phi, 2...- dataset Excel ASCII Archive
Oil Industry Zooplankton Ecology Data [Hopcroft]
The primary objective of the planktonic communities program is to describe spatial, seasonal and interannual characteristics of the plankton (phytoplankton and zooplankton)...- dataset Archive
Seward Peninsula Sites CDs
The Arctic Transitions in the Land-Atmosphere System (ATLAS) Project is a coordinated program that will examine the geographical patterns and controls over climate-land surface...- dataset Archive
Buoy, IOEB Air, Ice and Biogeochemical Data [Krishfield, R.]
As part of the SHEBA buoy array, a Japan Marine Science and Technology Center (JAMSTEC) Ice-Ocean Environmental Buoy (IOEB) was deployed on September 30, 1997 from the Des...- dataset Archive
Global MIMICS-CN from biogeochemical testbed
These data document ecosystem biogeochemical responses from carbon-nitrogen and carbon-only versions of the Microbial-MIneral Carbon Stabilization Model (MIMICS) and...- dataset Archive
Ecosystem simulations at Fernow Experimental Forest using the soil biogeochem...
Results from single point simulations using the soil biogeochemical testbed, which consists of the CASA-CNP vegetation model and the MIMICS-CN and CASA-CN soil models. Single...- dataset Archive
CLM5 Sensitivity Analyses
These data are the results of sensitivities with the Community Land Model (version 5, CLM5) under conditions of elevated carbon dioxide, nitrogen deposition, and present day...- dataset Archive NetCDF
Coring Data from Drained Thaw-Lake Basins of the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska
This data set includes measurements and observations taken from drained thaw-lake basin (DTLB) cores retrieved from Barrow and Atqasuk, Alaska in April and August of 2001...- dataset Archive
Biocomplexity Project: Soil Pit Chemical and Physical Data
This dataset contains soil pit chemical and physical data. The data were collected from the Banks Island, Isachsen, and Mould Bay sites. See the documentation for information on...- dataset Archive
SNACS: Erosion Rates and Soil Physiochemical Properties in Northern Alaska Co...
This Dataset contains Erosion Rates and Soil Physiochemical Properties in Northern Alaska Coastline Data and is part of the Collaborative Research: Flux and Transformation of...- dataset Excel Archive