Flight summaries and notes during STERAO-A
This dataset contains the flight notes, data quality summaries, and flight summaries for the UND Citation aircraft. There is an additional flight summary file for all aircraft...- dataset PDF
WY King Air Flight Notes
This data set contains the flight notes from the University of Wymoing King Air aircraft for the flights during the CuPIDO field project.- dataset PDF
IMPROVE-I Quality Assurance Assessments
This dataset contains the Quality Assurance Assessments for flights 1841-1860 of the Improvement of Microphysical Parameterization through Observational Verification Experiment...- dataset PDF
IMPROVE-II Aircraft Flight Logs and Summaries
This dataset contains the Aircraft Flight Logs and Summaries for flights 1891-1901 of the Improvement of Microphysical Parameterization through Observational Verification...- dataset PDF
FAAM BAe-146 and NERC Dornier 228 Mission Summaries Document
This dataset is a pdf summary document containing a basic synopsis of the flight pattern and sortie aims of all FAAM BAe-146 and NERC Dornier 228 flights conducted for VOCALS-UK.- dataset PDF
IMPROVE-II Quality Assurance Assessments
This dataset contains the Quality Assurance Assessments for flights 1887-1906 of the Improvement of Microphysical Parameterization through Observational Verification Experiment...- dataset PDF
IMPROVE-I Aircraft Flight Logs and Summaries
This dataset contains the Aircraft Flight Logs and Summaries for flights 1841-1860 of the Improvement of Microphysical Parameterization through Observational Verification...- dataset PDF
Chat Logs and Flight Notes
This dataset contains chat logs and flight notes from the NASA DC-8 aircraft from the High Ice Water Content 2022 (HIWC 2022) project that was based in Jacksonville, Florida....- dataset Excel PDF ASCII
Aerostatic Lift of Helium and Hydrogen in the Atmosphere
The purpose of this report is to provide a simple and accurate method of making buoyancy calculations of lift gases. A table is included which gives pertinent model atmospheric...- publication PDF
Project Clambake Surface Wind Analysis at Palestine, Texas
The Field Observing Facility of NCAR measured surface winds at the NCAR Scientific Balloon Flight Station at Palestine, Texas, during October and November 1965 in order to...- publication PDF
Boundary Layer Profile Measurement System
The NCAR Field Observing Facility developed a new tethered-balloon wing system that accurately measures the vertical profile of temperature, wind speed, wind direction, and...- publication PDF
Material Strength Properties of Winzen StratoFilm
This report is part of a series prepared for the Materials Research Project of the NCAR Scientific Balloon Facility in order to extend the reliability and capabilities of...- publication PDF
Impact Toughness of Balloon Films
To increase the reliability and extend the capabilities of scientific ballooning, polyethylene balloon films were measured for impact toughness at +23 and -80��C, using...- publication PDF
Balloon Strain Relief System
A balloon strain relief system for use during pre-launch activities was developed and its effect on balloon tensile strength was examined. Various clamp materials and balloons...- publication PDF
Boundary Layer Profile Measurement System Engineering Report
The NCAR Field Observing Facility developed a new tethered-balloon wing system, known as the Meteorological Atmospheric Testing (MAT) Wing, which takes meteorological...- publication PDF
Re-Evaluation of Tapes for Reinforcing and Repairing Polyethylene Balloons
This report describes a research and development program conducted for the National Center for Atmospheric Research by the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, St. Paul,...- publication PDF
Meeting Review: Third NCAR Research Aircraft Fleet Workshop
Meeting review: third NCAR research aircraft fleet workshop.- publication PDF
Low Modulus Strain Gages for Stress Analysis of Balloon Structures
An exploratory study has shown that instrumentation can be developed to permit experimental stress analysis of scientific balloons. Special strain gages have been made and...- publication PDF
Meeting Review the Second NCAR Research Aircraft Fleet Workshop
This report provides details of a workshop held at NCAR during the period 15-16 April 1987, for the purposes of assessing the scientific needs for atmospheric research aircraft...- publication PDF
Thermal Analysis of Balloon-Borne Instrument Packages
Peter Fowler, of the University of Bristol, designed a modification to balloon flight equipment in an attempt to maintain temperature at an acceptable level. This report...- publication PDF