NOAA-CIRES-DOE Twentieth Century Reanalysis Version 3
The Twentieth Century Reanalysis Project, produced by the Earth System Research Laboratory Physical Sciences Division from NOAA and the University of Colorado Cooperative...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR HCR radar moments data
HIAPER Cloud Radar (HCR) moments data collected during the CSET (Cloud Systems Evolution in the Trades) project from 18 June 2015 through 12 August 2012. These are 10Hz data in...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR HCR radar moments data
HIAPER Cloud Radar (HCR) data collected aboard the NSF/NCAR GV HIAPER (Gulfstream-V High-performance Instrumented Airborne Platform for Environmental Research, HIAPER) (N677F)...- dataset NetCDF
MRMS 3DRhoHV Products
MRMS 3DRhoHV Products collected during the Winter Precipitation Type Research Multi-scale Experiment (WINTRE-MIX) time and area of interest are included in this dataset. The...- dataset GRIB
GOES12 PATMOS-X Daytime Cloud Water Path Imagery
This dataset contains GOES12 PATMOS-X Daytime Cloud Water Path Satellite imagery taken over the Tropical Ocean tRoposphere Exchange of Reactive halogen species and Oxygenated...- dataset Image
Radar mosaic, convectivity and convective/stratiform echo type
Radar regional mosaic, gridded NEXRAD radar data in netCDF format. These files contain convectivity and convective/stratiform echo type classification for the Plains Elevated...- dataset Archive
NOAA R/V Ron Brown Liquid Water Path Data
This dataset contains Liquid Water Path data collected on board the NOAA R/V Ron Brown during the VAMOS Ocean-Cloud Atmosphere-Land Study (VOCALS) campaign. The radiometer for...- dataset NetCDF
CFI Climate Sentinels UQAM-PK MRR-2 Processed Data
This dataset contains processed data from a METEK vertically profiling K-band Micro Rain Radar (MRR-2) permanently installed on the rooftop of UQAM President-Kennedy building in...- dataset NetCDF
Integrated observational dataset for model validation [Roode, S. and C. Breth...
This is an external link to a SHEBA dataset from the University of Washington's Atmospheric Sciences Department. A central goal of the SHEBA project was to provide a...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
NCAR HCR radar moments data
HIAPER Cloud Radar (HCR) data collected aboard the NSF/NCAR GV HIAPER (Gulfstream-V High-performance Instrumented Airborne Platform for Environmental Research, HIAPER) (N677F)...- dataset NetCDF
CFI Climate Sentinels UQAM-PK MRR-2 Raw Data
This dataset contains raw data from a METEK vertically profiling K-band Micro Rain Radar (MRR-2) permanently installed on the rooftop of UQAM President-Kennedy building in...- dataset ASCII
CU Micro Rain Radar (MRR) at COW radar site - Raw Data
This dataset contains raw data from a METEK first generation vertically profiling K-band Micro Rain Radar (MRR) deployed at C-band Doppler radar site (COW site) in support of...- dataset ASCII
CFI Climate Sentinels Gault MRR-2 Processed Data
This dataset contains post-processed data from a METEK vertically profiling K-band Micro Rain Radar (MRR-2) installed at the climate sentinel in the Gault Nature Reserve (GAUL),...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR HCR radar moments data
HIAPER Cloud Radar (HCR) moments data collected during the SOCRATES (Southern Ocean Clouds, Radiation, Aerosol Transport Experimental Study) project from 15 January 2018 to 24...- dataset NetCDF
CU Micro Rain Radar (MRR) at COW Radar Site - Processed Data
This dataset contains post-processed data from a METEK first generation vertically profiling K-band Micro Rain Radar (MRR) deployed at C-band Doppler radar site (COW site) in...- dataset NetCDF
NYSM Chazy, NY MRR-2 Processed Data
This dataset contains post-processed data from a METEK vertically profiling K-band Micro Rain Radar (MRR-2) deployed at Chazy, New York in support of the WINTRE-MIX field...- dataset NetCDF
CFI Climate Sentinels Arboretum MRR-2 Processed Data
This dataset contains post-processed data from a METEK vertically profiling K-band Micro Rain Radar (MRR-2) installed at the climate sentinel in the Arboretum forest reserve...- dataset NetCDF
CFI Climate Sentinels Arboretum MRR-2 raw data
This dataset contains raw data from a METEK vertically profiling K-band Micro Rain Radar (MRR-2) installed at the climate sentinel in the Arboretum forest reserve (ARBO), about...- dataset ASCII
NOAA NSSL MRMS Bright Band Top and Bottom Heights
2-D grids of the approximate height of the top of the melting layer and 2-D grids of the approximate height of the bottom of the melting layer are contained in this dataset from...- dataset Archive
NCAR HCR radar and GV-HSRL lidar moments data
HIAPER Cloud Radar (HCR) and High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) moments data collected during the SOCRATES (Southern Ocean Clouds, Radiation, Aerosol Transport Experimental...- dataset NetCDF