Parameterization of the ion convection and the auroral oval in the NCAR Therm...
The ion convection and auroral precipitation are important inputs to the global thermospheric energy and momentum balance. In the NCAR TGCM, they are described by analytical...- publication PDF
Ballooning Support for Cosmic-Ray Experiments: Joint United States - India In...
NCAR organized and provided program management for a balloon expedition to study cosmic rays in the vicinity of the equator during the International Quiet Sun Year (IQSY). The...- publication PDF
TEC data
This is TEC data used for the paper: Variations in thermosphere composition and ionosphere total electron content under 'geomagnetically quiet' conditions at solar-minimum....- dataset HDF
Seasonal Variation of Thermospheric Composition Observed by NASA GOLD
We examine characteristics of the seasonal variation of thermospheric composition using column number density ratio âO/N2 observed by the NASA Global Observations of Limb and...- dataset Binary
This dataset is for the data that is used to generate the figures in the submitted paper to the AGU Advances: A Numerical Study of the Hemispherically Asymmetric Evolution of...- dataset HDF
Ionosphere-Thermosphere Data Published in "Large-Scale Ionospheric Disturbanc...
This dataset supports the publication "Large-scale ionospheric disturbances during the 17 March 2015 storm: A model-data comparative study". The data files are selected output...- dataset ASCII NetCDF
WACCM-X Simulations for November 2020 to December 2021
The dataset contains simulation output for the time period from November 2020 to December 2021 that is in support of the publication "Quasi 6-Day Planetary Wave Oscillations in...- dataset NetCDF
Data supporting Satellite in-situ electron density observations of the mid-la...
This is the data for the submitted paper: Satellite in-situ electron density observations of the mid-latitude storm enhanced density on the noon meridional plane in the F region...- dataset ASCII
2017 August Eclipse GITM simulation
This data present GITM simulation results using different solar masks during the 2017 August Eclipse. Detailed descriptions of the masks used for the simulation can be found in...- dataset ASCII Archive
Hemispheric Asymmetry of the Annual and Semiannual Variation of Thermospheric...
This dataset includes O, O2, and N2 number densities in the altitude region from 110.1 km to 667.5 km derived from TIMED/GUVI limb observation and the corresponding WACCM-X...- dataset HDF Binary