ARCSS Surface Air Temperature (ARCSS-SAT) Analysis

This data set contains the analysis of the best estimate of surface air temperature (SAT) over the Arctic Ocean in 12-hourly gridded fields from 1979-2008. The gridded fields are based on in situ observations from manned drifting stations, and buoy observations that have been quality controlled. These observations have been optimally interpolated, following the procedures of Rigor et al. 2000, using the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) Reanalysis 1 (R1) as a first guess field. The analysis adjusts a warm bias exhibited by R1 in comparison to manned drifting station data over the Arctic Ocean, and improves the International Arctic Buoy Programme (IABP) / Polar Exchange at the Sea Surface (POLES) SAT analysis. This data set is preliminary pending review of manuscript documenting the analysis.

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  • EOL Data Support
    UCAR/NCAR - Earth Observing Laboratory

Temporal Range

  • Begin:  1979-01-01T00:00:00Z
    End:  2008-12-31T23:59:59Z


Resource Type dataset
Temporal Range Begin 1979-01-01T00:00:00Z
Temporal Range End 2008-12-31T23:59:59Z
Temporal Resolution N/A
Bounding Box North Lat 88.54000
Bounding Box South Lat -88.54000
Bounding Box West Long -180.00000
Bounding Box East Long 178.13000
Spatial Representation grid
Spatial Resolution N/A
Related Links

Documentation #1 : SAT_README.pdf

Additional Information N/A
Resource Format ASCII: ASCII Text (text/plain)
Standardized Resource Format ASCII
Asset Size 2264 MB
Legal Constraints


Access Constraints none
Software Implementation Language N/A

Resource Support Name EOL Data Support
Resource Support Email
Resource Support Organization UCAR/NCAR - Earth Observing Laboratory
Distributor UCAR/NCAR - Earth Observing Laboratory
Metadata Contact Name EOL Data Support
Metadata Contact Email
Metadata Contact Organization UCAR/NCAR - Earth Observing Laboratory

Author Ignatius Rigor
Axel Schweiger
Harry Stern
Publisher UCAR/NCAR - Earth Observing Laboratory
Publication Date 2011-02-24T13:23:00
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Not Assigned
Alternate Identifier 106.308
Resource Version 1.0
Topic Category climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere
Progress completed
Metadata Date 2024-02-07T22:49:43Z
Metadata Record Identifier edu.ucar.eol::106.308
Metadata Language eng; USA
Suggested Citation Ignatius Rigor, Axel Schweiger, Harry Stern. (2011). ARCSS Surface Air Temperature (ARCSS-SAT) Analysis. 1.0. UCAR/NCAR - Earth Observing Laboratory. Accessed 11 February 2025.

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