Assessing the ability of zonal δ18O contrast in benthic foraminifera to reconstruct deglacial evolution of Atlantic Meriodonal Overturning Circulation

delta O-18 in foraminifera (delta O-18(c)) is a useful proxy for density, and the strength of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) can be reconstructed by the zonal density contrast in the Atlantic. However, whether the deglacial zonal delta O-18(c) contrast can represent the AMOC change is still unclear. delta O-18(c) contrast across the Florida Straits has been hypothesized as a proxy for the AMOC evolution during the last deglaciation, but the strength of Florida Current could also be influenced by wind forcing. Here we examine the ability of the zonal delta O-18(c) contrast to reconstruct AMOC in a deglacial model simulation. The model simulation suggests that the deglacial variation of the Florida Current strength is dominated by AMOC, with the wind effect on the variation of the Florida Current being negligible. Furthermore, the delta O-18(c) contrast across the western boundary along the entire Atlantic and the basin-wide delta O-18(c) contrast in the North Atlantic in the upper ocean can also be used to reconstruct AMOC. However, using basin-wide delta O-18(c) contrast to reconstruct AMOC in the South Atlantic is not possible at all water depths. In the subtropical South Atlantic, the basin-wide delta O-18(c) contrast is decoupled from the density contrast between 400 to 600 m through the deglaciation because of the deglacial change of the Antarctic Intermediate Water. Therefore, delta O-18(c) is a useful proxy to reconstruct past density and in turn past AMOC, but caution has to be used when using the basin-wide delta O-18(c) contrast to reconstruct the basin-wide density contrast in the South Atlantic.

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Author Gu, Sifan
Liu, Zhengyu
Lynch‐Stieglitz, Jean
Jahn, Alexandra
Zhang, Jiaxu
Lindsay, Keith
Wu, Lixin
Publisher UCAR/NCAR - Library
Publication Date 2019-05-01T00:00:00
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Not Assigned
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Topic Category geoscientificInformation
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Metadata Date 2023-08-18T19:20:26.909629
Metadata Record Identifier edu.ucar.opensky::articles:22593
Metadata Language eng; USA
Suggested Citation Gu, Sifan, Liu, Zhengyu, Lynch‐Stieglitz, Jean, Jahn, Alexandra, Zhang, Jiaxu, Lindsay, Keith, Wu, Lixin. (2019). Assessing the ability of zonal δ18O contrast in benthic foraminifera to reconstruct deglacial evolution of Atlantic Meriodonal Overturning Circulation. UCAR/NCAR - Library. Accessed 11 February 2025.

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