Ecosystem-scale volatile organic compound fluxes during an extreme drought in a broadleaf temperate forest of the Missouri Ozarks (central USA)

Considerable amounts and varieties of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) are exchanged between vegetation and the surrounding air. These BVOCs play key ecological and atmospheric roles that must be adequately represented for accurately modeling the coupled biosphere-atmosphere-climate earth system. One key uncertainty in existing models is the response of BVOC fluxes to an important global change process: drought. We describe the diurnal and seasonal variation in isoprene, monoterpene, and methanol fluxes from a temperate forest ecosystem before, during, and after an extreme 2012 drought event in the Ozark region of the central USA. BVOC fluxes were dominated by isoprene, which attained high emission rates of up to 35.4 mg m⁻² h⁻¹ at midday. Methanol fluxes were characterized by net deposition in the morning, changing to a net emission flux through the rest of the daylight hours. Net flux of CO₂ reached its seasonal maximum approximately a month earlier than isoprenoid fluxes, which highlights the differential response of photosynthesis and isoprenoid emissions to progressing drought conditions. Nevertheless, both processes were strongly suppressed under extreme drought, although isoprene fluxes remained relatively high compared to reported fluxes from other ecosystems. Methanol exchange was less affected by drought throughout the season, confirming the complex processes driving biogenic methanol fluxes. The fraction of daytime (7-17 h) assimilated carbon released back to the atmosphere combining the three BVOCs measured was 2% of gross primary productivity (GPP) and 4.9% of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) on average for our whole measurement campaign, while exceeding 5% of GPP and 10% of NEE just before the strongest drought phase. The meganv2.1 model correctly predicted diurnal variations in fluxes driven mainly by light and temperature, although further research is needed to address model BVOC fluxes during drought events.

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Author Seco, Roger
Karl, Thomas
Guenther, Alex
Hosman, Kevin
Pallardy, Stephen
Gu, Lianhong
Geron, Chris
Harley, Peter
Kim, Saewung
Publisher UCAR/NCAR - Library
Publication Date 2015-10-01T00:00:00
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Not Assigned
Alternate Identifier N/A
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Topic Category geoscientificInformation
Progress N/A
Metadata Date 2023-08-18T18:21:04.423769
Metadata Record Identifier edu.ucar.opensky::articles:16915
Metadata Language eng; USA
Suggested Citation Seco, Roger, Karl, Thomas, Guenther, Alex, Hosman, Kevin, Pallardy, Stephen, Gu, Lianhong, Geron, Chris, Harley, Peter, Kim, Saewung. (2015). Ecosystem-scale volatile organic compound fluxes during an extreme drought in a broadleaf temperate forest of the Missouri Ozarks (central USA). UCAR/NCAR - Library. Accessed 05 February 2025.

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