Efficiency of the summer monsoon in generating streamflow within a snow�dominated headwater basin of the Colorado River

The North American Monsoon occurs July-September in the central Rocky Mountains bringing significant rainfall to Colorado River headwater basins. This rain may buffer streamflow deficiencies caused by reductions in snow accumulation. Using a data-modeling framework, we explore the importance of monsoon rain in streamflow generation over historical conditions in an alpine basin. Annually, monsoon rain contributes 18 7% water inputs and generates 10 6% streamflow. The bulk of rain supports evapotranspiration in lower subalpine forests. However, rains have the potential to produce appreciable streamflow at higher elevations where soil moisture storage, forest cover, and aridity are low and rebound late season streamflow 64 13% from simulated reductions in spring snowpack as a function of monsoon strength. Interannual variability in monsoon efficiency to generate streamflow declines with low snowpack and high aridity, implying the ability of monsoons to replenish streamflow in a warmer future with less snow accumulation will diminish.

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Author Carroll, Rosemary W. H.
Gochis, David
Williams, Kenneth H.
Publisher UCAR/NCAR - Library
Publication Date 2020-12-16T00:00:00
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Not Assigned
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Topic Category geoscientificInformation
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Metadata Date 2023-08-18T18:12:20.070096
Metadata Record Identifier edu.ucar.opensky::articles:23942
Metadata Language eng; USA
Suggested Citation Carroll, Rosemary W. H., Gochis, David, Williams, Kenneth H.. (2020). Efficiency of the summer monsoon in generating streamflow within a snow�dominated headwater basin of the Colorado River. UCAR/NCAR - Library. http://n2t.net/ark:/85065/d76q21jk. Accessed 15 February 2025.

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