Biocomplexity of Patterned Ground: Isachsen Expedition

A team of 25 people from the University of Alaska Fairbanks and other organizations worked at Isachsen, Ellef Ringnes Island during July 2005, as part of the "Biocomplexity associated with biogeochemical cycles in arctic frost-boil ecosystems" project. This year's work was the fourth in a 5-year project. The main objective of the research is to investigate the properties of small patterned-ground ecosystems along a climate gradient from the coldest parts of the Arctic to the northern boreal forest. The team is studying earth hummocks, non-sorted circles, small non-sorted polygons, and turf hummocks - how they form, how they vary with climate and substrate, and their role in total ecosystem functions.

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    UCAR/NCAR - Earth Observing Laboratory

Temporal Range

  • Begin:  2005-07-01T00:00:00Z
    End:  2005-07-31T23:59:59Z


Resource Type dataset
Temporal Range Begin 2005-07-01T00:00:00Z
Temporal Range End 2005-07-31T23:59:59Z
Temporal Resolution N/A
Bounding Box North Lat 78.80694
Bounding Box South Lat 78.78638
Bounding Box West Long -103.61944
Bounding Box East Long -103.47722
Spatial Representation N/A
Spatial Resolution N/A
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Documentation #1 : isachsen2005_dr0603.txt

106.235 : is a companion to dataset 106.203

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Resource Format PDF: Portable Document Format (application/pdf)
Standardized Resource Format PDF
Asset Size 8 MB
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Resource Support Name EOL Data Support
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Resource Support Organization UCAR/NCAR - Earth Observing Laboratory
Distributor UCAR/NCAR - Earth Observing Laboratory
Metadata Contact Name EOL Data Support
Metadata Contact Email
Metadata Contact Organization UCAR/NCAR - Earth Observing Laboratory

Author Corinne Vonlanthen
Martha K. Raynolds
Corinne Munger
Anja Kade
Donald A. (Skip) Walker
Publisher UCAR/NCAR - Earth Observing Laboratory
Publication Date 2009-04-21T13:27:00
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Not Assigned
Alternate Identifier 106.203
Resource Version 1.0
Topic Category geoscientificInformation
Progress completed
Metadata Date 2024-02-07T22:48:22Z
Metadata Record Identifier edu.ucar.eol::106.203
Metadata Language eng; USA
Suggested Citation Corinne Vonlanthen, Martha K. Raynolds, Corinne Munger, Anja Kade, Donald A. (Skip) Walker. (2009). Biocomplexity of Patterned Ground: Isachsen Expedition. 1.0. UCAR/NCAR - Earth Observing Laboratory. Accessed 13 March 2025.

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