The Hailpad: Construction and Materials, Data Reduction, and Calibration
This paper examines in detail the materials from which hailpads are constructed, the procedures for reducing hailpad data, and the methods used to calibrate these instruments. A...- publication PDF
GHOST Balloon Data Volume VIII: Balloon 60TA
Early Global Horizontal Sounding Technique (GHOST) balloon tests have resulted in valuable upper air wind data, particularly in the data-poor mid-latitudes over southern...- publication PDF
The NCAR Vertical Wind Tunnel: a Vertical Wind Tunnel for Controlling the Mot...
This report describes a Vertical Wind Tunnel installed at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) for cloud physics research. The main purpose of this installation...- publication PDF
The measurement of air velocity and temperature using the NCAR Buffalo Aircra...
This report describes methods used to measure air velocity and temperature from an aircraft and their applications to the measuring system on the NCAR Buffalo aircraft. Main...- publication PDF
Airborne Cryogenic Frost-point Hygrometer User's Guide
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
International Workshop on the Airborne Measurement of Wind, Turbulence, and P...
This report summarizes the sessions of the International Workshop on the Airboune Measurement of Wind, Turbulence and Position. It includes oral presentations as well as working...- publication PDF
Engineering Report on a Dropsonde for Measuring Vertical Wind Velocity in Thu...
This report describes a special dropsonde for measuring and mapping the vertical wind inside thunderstorms. One the possible ways of measuring vertical wind is to drop...- publication PDF
GHOST Balloon Data Volume IV: Balloon 40B
Early Global Horizontal Sounding Technique (GHOST) balloon tests have resulted in valuable upper air wind data, particularly in the data-poor mid-latitudes over southern...- publication PDF
Preprocessing of Airborne Pyranometer Data
Eppley pyranometers are employed to measure the up- and downwelling short wavelength radiation fluxes in the atmosphere. The quality of the data used to investigate the...- publication PDF
Path-length Sensitivity of the Lyman-alpha Humidiometer
This report provides an analysis of the path-length sensitivity of the Lyman-Alpha Humidiometer.- publication PDF
Proceedings of the Atmospheric Research Aircraft Instrumentation Workshop and...
This is part one of a two part report that details the proceedings of the Atmospheric Research Aircraft Instrumentation Workshop and Symposium, held in Oklahoma City, 17 and 18...- publication PDF
An Evaluation of the Rosemount Ice Detector for Aircraft Hazard Warning and f...
This report presents an evaluation of the Rosemount 871 ice detector for use as an aircraft hazard instrument and for determining liquid undercooled water content. Ice detector...- publication PDF
Uncertainty Analysis of a Radome Flush Orifice Air Motion System for the Meas...
This analysis is intended to establish a detailed measurement uncertainty for the present radome air motion systems used at NCAR and to provide a working document that may be...- publication PDF